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"Alec who was that?" Izzy asked in a very disgusted tone.

Alec just sat on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"That f*cking idiot was my step brother" Magnus said.

"Oh" Izzy said "I didn't know I'm sorry"

"You don't have to be Izzy" Magnus said "he's just an asshole"

"Simon, maybe it's time we do what we planned" Magnus said to Simon

"What! You guys planned something?" Alec asked

"Alexander listen, when I was first threatened by my father, I had to do something to protect you, and when you said that there was a man following you, I was scared. So I called Simon for help and we came up with a small plan" Magnus said

Simon nodded. Izzy and Alec were clueless.

"We thought that the best way to keep you safe is having a few body guards for you..." Magnus said.

"What?" Alec asked "You want some body guards to babysit me?" he asked angrily.

"No Alexander, don't think it as babysitting, it's for your protection...Simon has already contacted them...I want to have them look over you when I'm not with you..." Magnus said putting his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Magnus, I can take care of myself" Alec said.

"Alec listen, maybe we should just do this...even for a few days maybe" Simon said.

"Yeah big brother...and why am I the only one not knowing any of this?" Izzy said sitting next to Alec. "but that's fine...I'll be okay as long as you are safe" Izzy said hugging Alec.

Alec thought for a second and sighed "fine...just for a few days though"

"Okay, great...I'll tell them to start from Monday" Magnus said smiling and kissed Alec on the cheek.

"Was this what you two were talking about that night before dinner?" Alec asked from Simon.

Simon looked at Magnus, and Magnus nodded.

"No Alec...actually we were talking about that woman, the one who broke into Magnus's office..." Simon said.

"What??" Alec turned to Magnus.

"I'm sorry Alexander, I just didn't want to burden you..." Magnus said.

"Burden me? You think I'm burdened because of it? So you plan and talk about everything by leaving me out?" Alec was now angry.

"No Alec listen..." Simon was trying to explain.

"I don't want to listen to any of you right now" Alec said standing up. But Magnus grabbed his hand.

"Alexander calm down and listen to what we have to say..." Magnus said.

Alec hesitated, but he sat down again and waited for them to give an explanation.

"That woman appeared in front of the office again" Magnus said

"She did? When? Why didn't you tell me?" Alec asked.

"Because I knew you would panic" Magnus said.

Alec rolled his eyes "When did you see her again?" he asked again.

"The day after the incident, when I was waiting for you to come down after work" Magnus said.

Alec was going to say something but Magnus stopped him "Listen first..."

"So I wanted to find who she was and why she came back...I checked the CCTV footage at office but I couldn't find anything from that was like everything was I needed help, and I was reminded of I called him and asked him to help me find that woman." Magnus said.

"So did you find anything" Alec asked still annoyed.

"We did" Simon said "She was hired by Hodge, but we were not able to find enough evidence to arrest them"

"Then after 2 days she just disappeared, no one knew about her whereabouts" Magnus continued. "So from what we found, we only know that she was hired by Hodge"

"Okay" Alec set clutching his fists.

"Alec, you don't have to worry about it okay?" Simon said.

"Okay, I'm tired, I'll see you guys later" Alec said and walked upstairs to his room.

"That guy was a total mood wrecker" Izzy sighed. "I'll catch you at home" Izzy said looking at Simon.

Simon sighed.

"Guys I need to check on Alec, I think y'all should go now...we'll have the movie night some other time" Magnus said.

Izzy and Simon nodded and they left.

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