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"NO!! DON'T!!HELP ME!!!" Alec was shouting in his sleep.

Shocked by the loud screams, Magnus woke up and ran to hold Alec's hand.

"Baby it's just a dream...Alexander it's just a dream" Magnus said stroking Alec's hair.

"NOOO, PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM" Alec was still shouting in his sleep.

Magnus took some water in his hands and sprinkled it on Alec's face and tapped on his cheek "Baby? Wake's a dream..."

Alec suddenly sat up opening his eyes, sweating. He looked at Magnus who was shocked. He pulled Magnus by the hand and hugged him. "Mags don't leave me...please don't leave me..." Alec said tightly hugging him. "I feel like something bad will happen Mags...Mags I'm scared"

"Nothing will happen love and I'm not going anywhere was just a nightmare" Magnus said patting Alec on the back. "Now go to sleep baby..."

Alec pulled back and looked at Magnus. "Sleep with me"

"Baby I can't...the nurse comes in every 3 hours to check up on you..." Magnus said touching his cheek and stroking it with his thumb.

Alec gave a pleading look.

"Okay then...I'll sleep on this chair holding your hand..." Magnus said.

"'ll hurt your back..." Alec groaned. "Okay sleep on your bed; I'll sleep on mine" Alec said.

"I'll stay here till you fall asleep baby" Magnus said smiling.

Alec nodded and closed his eyes still stroking Magnus's hand. After a few minutes he fell asleep and Magnus went back to sleep on his bed.

It was almost 11pm. Both were sleeping peacefully when a man in black, wearing a cap to keep his face covered entered the room. He walked inside the room without making any noise. He approached Alec and injected something into his IV bag.

Right then he heard the nurse approaching the room, so he hid next to the door. As soon as the nurse entered the room he grabbed her and covered her mouth and then injected her. The nurse fell on the floor unconscious.

He removed his cap exposing himself as Tyler.

Tyler smirked and walked near Magnus and stood next to his bed.

Even though Magnus was asleep he felt like someone was watching him. That feeling haunted him so he woke up and opened his eyes to see Tyler standing right next to his bed.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Hello brother..." Tyler said.

Magnus realizing that he was not dreaming quickly tried to sit up but Tyler pushed him and pressed him to the bed.

"I couldn't finish you that day...but I'm gonna finish you right now" he said in a very angry tone.

"Tyler you don...t...t...Ty...ple......" Magnus couldn't speak; Tyler's strong hands were around Magnus's neck strangling him.

Magnus was tried to fight back but Tyler was stronger than Magnus. Magnus tried to push him by kicking him but Tyler climbed on Magnus and with all his force pushed Magnus's body to the bed not letting him to move.

"Alexaa......" Magnus tried to shout but words didn't come out.

Magnus was slowly feeling like his head was spinning and he was gasping for air, he struggled and tried to push Tyler by grabbing him from his hair, but his efforts were useless. He felt his heart beat getting slower and he was slowly losing his consciousness. I'm going to die was the last thought he had when he heard a huge BANG and Tyler fell on the ground.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now