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"Alexander, do you need anything?" Magnus asked sitting up rubbing his eyes, when he felt that Alec was trying to move.

It was close to midnight and Magnus had fallen asleep holding Alec's hand.

"Can I have some water?" he asked.

Magnus stood up and brought him a glass of water.

"Thank you baby" Alec said handing the empty glass to Magnus. "You should sleep on that bed" Alec said pointing at the bed next to him.

"No it's fine, I want to stay close to you, I'll stay here" he said sitting on the small chair next to Alec's bed.

" were also hurt, so you need to rest" Alec said in a rather dominative voice.

"But I don't want to leave you..." Magnus whined.

Alec sighed "okay fine" he said annoyed.

Magnus held Alec's hand and went back to sleep by resting his head on Alec's bed.

It was painful to see Magnus like this. "Mags" Alec patted on Magnus's shoulder.

"Come sleep next to me" he said opening his blanket.

"I might hurt you...what if I kick your leg" Magnus said.

"No you won't baby, come here...I missed your cuddles so much" Alec said smiling.

Magnus walked around the bed and carefully got under the blanket. Alec's right leg and right hand were both injured, so he was careful to not hurt him. Alec with his left arm pulled Magnus closer so his head was resting on Alec's left shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" Magnus asked.

"No baby...don't worry, I'm okay" Alec said kissing Magnus's forehead.

Magnus pulled back and looked at Alec to see if he was in pain, "I love you so much Magnus Bane" Alec said and pulled Magnus into a kiss.

It was a soft but passionate kiss, "I love you too Alexander" Magnus said.

"We should sleep now" Magnus said and they curled up and fell asleep.


The next morning Magnus woke up early, he was so dazed by Alec that he spent over half an hour just staring at him. He would have stayed the same if he was not disturbed by the text him received.

'Call me as soon as you see this' It was from Izzy.

Magnus kissed Alec on the forehead and quickly picked up his phone and walked out of the room slowly closing the door behind him.

"Hey Izzy" Magnus said on the call.

"Magnus, big problem...I had to tell Jace..." Izzy said.

"What? Oh no..." Magnus said covering his face "How? Why?"

"I'm sorry Magnus, he tricked me into telling him...I had to tell he's coming here in the first flight he can book"

"Should I talk to him?" Magnus asked.

"Maybe you should call him and explain the situation...and tell him that everything is fine" Izzy said.

"Okay...don't worry Izzy, I'll talk to him" Magnus said.

"Thank you are the best, I'll come to see you in a few hours" Izzy said.

"Okay see you then" Magnus said and kept the phone.

When he entered the room Alec was already awake.

"Where did you disappear to?" Alec asked rubbing his eyes.

"I got a call" Magnus said walking towards Alec. "How are you feeling love?" he asked kissing Alec on the cheek and sat at the table opening his laptop.

"Sore...but better than yesterday...the painkillers are doing their task I guess" Alec said trying to reach out to his phone. "Damn it...I can't even stretch my arm" he said painfully holding his arm.

"Alexander..." Magnus stopped his work and came running to him "I told you to stay put, don't try to do anything, tell me if you need something okay?" Magnus said handing him over the phone and went back to his laptop.

"What are you doing baby?" Alec asked.

"Sending some emails to Hayley, explaining the situation...I thought she should know so she could take care of the work for a few days..." Magnus said still busy typing.

"What about the call?" Alec asked after few minutes.

"It was from Izzy, Jace had called her and..." Magnus trailed off.

"And what?" Alec asked.

"And she had to tell him about this whole thing" Magnus said sighing.

"Great, I'm doomed..." Alec said rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it" Magnus said smiling.

Right then Magnus got a call from Simon.

"Yes Simon, any news about Tyler?" Magnus asked. "WHAT!! What do you mean?" Magnus asked and looked at Alec in shock.

"Okay, I'll be right there" Magnus said and kept the phone.

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