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The whole place lit up. And Alec removed his hands from Magnus’s eyes.
Magnus couldn’t believe his eyes. It was so beautiful. The whole place was decorated with balloons and beautiful lights. A table in the middle was decorated with flowers and candles were lit around it. 

Alec held Magnus’s hand and walked him to the table. “Do you like it?” Alec asked.

“Like it? I love it Alexander…” Magnus said and hugged Alec really tightly “No one has ever done something like this for me” he said.

Alec was so happy to see Magnus was enjoying the night. 

They didn’t let go of each other’s hands. It was the best first date ever. After dinner, Alec gave him a card. 

“What is this?” Magnus asked. 

“I made this…” Alec said.

Magnus tried to remove the sticker and open the envelope. But Alec stopped him. 

“Don’t open it now…I want you to read it when I’m not there…” Alec said blushing.

Magnus gave a quite laugh “okay Alexander…I’ll read it when I get home…I have something for you too…” he said and gave him a small box. “You can open it now and see”.

Alec smiled and opened the box. It was a dream catcher. One just like Magnus has in his room. 

“Aww…this is cute” Alec said “Thank you Mags…” Alec said and kissed him on the cheek.

“Mags?” Magnus asked surprised.
“Don’t you like it when I call you that?” Alec asked.

“I love it when you say that…” Magnus said smiling.

When they came home, Magnus was so eager to see what was inside the envelope. 

“Alexander I’m going to read this in my room now…” Magnus said and ran into the room.

Alec smiled and sat down on the sofa.
Magnus closed the door of his room and opened the envelope. It was a handmade card. When he opened it he saw some small envelopes pasted to it. Each had a photo of them which they took at their first ever dinner and a small note. 

He took one photo and turned it over “Thank you for liking me” and he took another “I will always be there for you.” 

This is so cute, he thought. Then he found a longer note. What is this? He thought and opened it.

It read;

Dear Magnus,
I don’t know where to start. I was not a person who wanted to start a relationship. I never wanted to trust anyone so I only wanted to concentrate on my career and studies but then you came into my life. There was something about you which I was drawn to from the very first day I saw you. I got jealous when I saw you with Camille at the wedding… I didn’t know back then that I was jealous. I didn’t know what that feeling was. But after I met you at work and worked with you for 6 months I realized that I have started to have feelings for you. But I didn’t want to give in to those feelings so I ignored you. But Magnus once you came to stay at my place I couldn’t control what I felt. I wanted you so badly…every time I saw you I wanted to hold your hand, I wanted to hug you and hold you close to me. 
I was jealous and had all the misunderstandings. I’m sorry for hurting you! Magnus now that we have started to date, I wish that we stay together forever. I will never leave your side. I will always be there for you. I want us to share everything in life. Relationships take effort and I know we can make this work.
Now if you have finished reading this letter, our date is not over… I’m waiting to watch a movie with you. Come outside.
Yours ever loving Alexander.

Tears were falling from Magnus’s eyes. He didn’t have words to explain what he was feeling. He quickly opened the door and ran to Alec.

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