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Two weeks passed and Magnus has now got used to his work in the new company. Alec started to feel more nervous around Magnus.
He talked with Magnus once in a while just for work-related stuff, nothing else.

"Team dinner night guys" Meliorn said after they were done for the day.
"It's our first team dinner with Magnus...So let's enjoy it to the fullest" he said and walked away signaling everyone to get ready.

Magnus was full into parties and fun but on the other hand, Alec was not a party person but he couldn't miss team dinners. Especially when it was the first team dinner with Magnus.

When they arrived at the restaurant everyone made a toast for their newcomer Magnus.

After dinner, Nora suggested to play spin the bottle with truth or dare. "Those who do not want to answer or do the dare must drink a glass of beer as the penalty" she said.
The first spin was at Meliorn and he selected truth "Tell me Meliorn, who was your first love?" Aline asked "My first love hah? It was Katie from middle school" Meliorn replied without hesitation and everyone laughed.
When Alec got the chance he selected truth. "When was your first kiss Alec?" Nora asked.

Alec has never got the first kiss. He has never been in a relationship. But he couldn't say that so he drank a glass of beer.

"Ohhh" everybody shouted "seems like Alec has secrets," someone said and all of them laughed.

Alec looked at Magnus. Magnus was puzzled but he was staring into his eyes. That stare made him feel drowsy.
It was Alec's lucky day or let's say unlucky day. The bottle stopped at Alec again and he selected truth once more. "Alec you have to answer this okay" Aline said "So Alec tell you have a boyfriend?"

"Guys...seriously?" Alec asked " I don't" he replied

A boyfriend? Magnus thought. So is Alec gay? Oh my God! Magnus was feeling so happy. He was overjoyed. He was smiling to himself.

Meliorn noticed and asked "Magnus why are you smiling? Did something good happen to you?"

Then only Magnus realized that he was smiling like an idiot. Alec noticed him smiling and he felt a throb in his heart. Magnus's smile was the cutest smile he had ever seen.

"No no nothing...I just remembered something" he lied
"So Magnus do you have a girlfriend?" Nora asked suddenly with puppy eyes.
Magnus was shocked but he couldn't refuse to answer his senior.

"I...uh...I'm...uh..." he struggled
"Nora...It's not his turn to answer" Alec said and looked at Magnus.
Magnus was relieved. It was not that he couldn't tell everyone that he was a bisexual and single. But he couldn't just let Alec misunderstand him because Alec has already misunderstood his best friend Camille as his girlfriend.

After the team dinner everyone came out to go home. But Alec was so drunk he couldn't even walk. And Magnus volunteered to take him home.
But the problem was he didn't know where Alec lived. He had no choice so he took Alec to his apartment.

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