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Magnus tagged along with Alec to work. His colleagues at work were really happy to see Magnus after a long time.

And they wanted to have dinner together. Both Alec and Magnus agreed to go with them.

“Congratulations you two” Meliorn said during dinner.

Alec and Magnus blushed “Thank you Meliorn” both of them said together.

“Why are you congratulating them? What happened?” Aline asked.

“Oops” Meliorn said looking at Magnus and Alec.

Others were confused.

Meliorn looked at Magnus and Alec to ask for permission to tell the others. And they nodded.

“So guys…Alec and Magnus are dating…” Meliorn said.

“Oh my God!!!” Nora shouted. “I’m so happy for you guys…” she said.

“Congratulations guys!” both Aline and Nora wished them. 

“Thank you guys” Alec and Magnus said.

“We should celebrate this!” Aline said.
And they had a long night chatting and celebrating the happy news about the new couple. 

Few days passed and finally it was the weekend.
They had their first double date to go to.
Magnus and Alec got ready and went to Rousseau’s. 

Aiden and Josh were waiting for them. They had fun and talked about how they met each other and how they confessed their feelings. 

“Wanna go out for a round of basketball?” Aiden asked.

Magnus looked at Alec not knowing if Alec knew how to play basketball. “Okay let’s do that” Alec said. “I haven’t played in months though…” he said.

“Magnus you know how to play?” Alec asked.

Magnus smirked “Of course I do Alexander…let’s go”.

They went to the court and changed into sportswear.

“Magnus and Alec on one team, me and Aiden on one” Josh said.

“Magnus please go easy on us…” Aiden said.

Magnus smiled “let’s see about that” he said.

The match was really heated. Magnus was amazingly talented in basketball. Alec was so surprised to see how Magnus played and easily got points.

They were leading from the start and finally Alec and Magnus won the match. 

They fist bumped and laid on the court looking at the night sky.

“I’m so tired…” Alec said “Magnus you were amazing…” he said touching Magnus’s hand. “I didn’t know you played so well…”.

Magnus turned towards him and gave a quick kiss on the lips “Thank you Alexander” 

“Look at them being all lovey dovey…” Josh said.

“Jealous?” Alec asked laughing.

“Why would I be? When the love of my life is here with me?” he pulled Aiden closer and kissed him deeply. 

“Guys go get a room…” Magnus said laughing.

All four of them laughed.

“Magnus it was nice to see you play after a long time…” Aiden said when they got ready to leave.

“You played before in college?” Alec asked Magnus.

“Yeah a little…” Magnus said.

“A little?” Aiden said laughing. “He was the team captain of the basketball team.” 

“Wooww Mags I didn’t know…what are you not good at seriously?” Alec said messing with Magnus’s hair.

Magnus came closer and whispered “Controlling myself not to eat you up when I’m with you” 

Alec turned red and suddenly felt shy.
They bid Aiden and Josh goodbye and went home.

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