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“Magnus I’m home” Alec said. As he came inside, he saw Magnus on the sofa watching a movie.

He missed him so much so he didn’t think twice and threw himself on Magnus, sitting on his lap and started to kiss him. 

“Alec…Alexander…” Magnus said between the kisses trying to pull back.

But Alec didn’t give into Magnus’s resistance. “I missed these lips so much…I missed you Magnus…” he mumbled through the kisses and continued to kiss Magnus.

“Alexander!” Magnus pushed Alec to look at him. 

“What? What did I do?” Alec asked confused.

Magnus pointed at the kitchen. Alec was still confused and he realized what Magnus was trying to say when he saw Izzy and Simon sitting on the kitchen counter and watching them making out.

“Oh shit” Alec said and buried his face in Magnus’s arms embarrassed. 

“I was trying to tell you Alexander” Magnus whispered.

Izzy and Simon were still watching them chuckling.

“Big brother? How could you not tell me?” Izzy asked.

Alec stood up and he face has turned red. 

“Oh now I know what you two were doing the day I came…” Izzy teased them.

“Izz, it’s not like that…we just started dating…” Alec said.

“Yes…Izzy, we haven’t yet gone on an actual date even” Magnus said.

“Guys y’all were awesome” Simon said smiling.

Alec rolled his eyes.

“We were going to watch a movie with you guys…but maybe we should give you some space” Izzy said still teasing Alec.

“Yeah I guess we should…” Simon agreed. 

“Big brother, I’ll see you soon” Izzy gave a kiss on Alec’s cheek and they left.

Alec exhaled deeply. “Okay…so that was pretty embarrassing” he said.

Magnus was laughing. “You’re cute…” he said touching Alec’s face. “Alexander I was starving…let’s have dinner now”
“Yeah…” Alec said.

During dinner, Magnus asked “So Alexander…about our first date…where should we go?”.

 Alec smiled “where do you want to go? I’ll take you anywhere you want to go…”

“I have this one place I want to go to…” Magnus said.

“Where?” Alec asked.

“I want to go and see the construction at Hotel Dumort, if you don’t mind that is…” Magnus said.

“Sure let’s do that” Alec said holding Magnus’s hand. “So tomorrow? After lectures?” 

“You don’t have to go to work?” Magnus asked.

“No…tomorrow is my day off…I’ll be free after my lecture…” Alec said.

“Okay then tomorrow around 3? After my last lecture?” Magnus asked.

“Yep let’s do that…” Alec said smiling.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow…” Magnus said “I should sleep early so tomorrow will come faster” Magnus said.

“What kind of a theory is that?” Alec said laughing.

“My theory” Magnus said laughing.

“Okay let’s go and sleep now…Good night Magnus…” Alec said and kissed him on the cheek and shoulder.

“Good night Alexander…” Magnus said kissing Alec’s earlobe.

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