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Magnus and Alec sat in Magnus's office room for a while still holding hands. Magnus kept his head on Alec's shoulder and tears were running down his cheeks.

"Hey baby, are you crying?" Alec asked and he cupped Magnus face and looked him in the eyes. Then with his thumb, he slowly wiped away the tears and placed a soft kiss on Magnus's eyes.

"Alexander, what if he's right? What if I can't protect you? What if something happens to you?" Magnus said looking at Alec through his tears.

Alec felt fear but he had to be brave for Magnus, he didn't want to make Magnus feel burdened. "I'll be alright; no one can hurt me" Alec said even though Alec said that he felt like he would be in danger. But he didn't want to give up on them.

Alec didn't understand what he was feeling to be exact, he had mixed feelings. And Alec was confused about the other man who was standing next to Asmodeus. All he knew was that Magnus had so many secrets that he hadn't known.

"Mags, I don't know if I should ask you this, but who's Tyler? I didn't know you had a brother..." Alec said.

Magnus's mood changed from being sad to being frustrated. "He's not my brother" he said angrily

"Then who is he?" Alec asked confused.

"The son of the woman who seduced my father and changed him..." he said clenching his fists "my step brother"

"You have a step brother?" Alec asked surprised.

"A step brother and a step sister" he replied.

"Oh" was the only word that came out of Alec's mouth.

"Alexander it's a long story..." Magnus sighed.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears" Alec said smiling and holding Magnus's hand.

Magnus exhaled "My father, he remarried few years was when I was abroad so I'm not sure of the details... but when I came back he was totally a different was like he hated me...he didn't treat me like his son, Camille told me some of the details, but she also didn't know the whole story. Tyler was 4 years older than me, he was mature and he was intelligent, he was studying my father made him join his business...from that day on, I felt like I was disowned..." Magnus said with tears in his eyes... "the woman who married him, she hated me...she was the main reason I wanted to move out...she always changed my father's mind, poisoned his mind saying bad things about me" Magnus said angrily.

Alec was listening to Magnus brushing his hand with his thumb. "What about your step sister?" Alec asked.

Magnus smiled, "Helen, she was the only one who cared about me, she's 3 years younger than me...I survived inside that house for all those years thanks to her"

"Haven't you met her recently? May be she'll help us to change your dad's mind" Alec said.

"No Alexander, she was sent to London, it was also because of me" Magnus sighed "once there was a huge fight before I moved out, she took my side and talked back at her mother and my they sent her abroad"

"Don't worry Mags, let's figure this out okay...and you don't have to worry about anyone else because I will always be there for you..." Alec said hugging Magnus.

"Hey listen, Jace and Clary are coming today...about the dinner, how about tomorrow? It's Friday and we don't have lectures, so we can come home early after work" Alec said trying to change the topic.

Magnus's face brightened up a little. "I thought Jace and Clary were already here..."

"No...their flight got delayed, so they are coming today" Alec said.

"Okay I'll be free...we should go shopping tomorrow then right after work" Magnus said finally smiling.

"Okay baby" Alec said.

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