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Jace and Magnus had a sleepless night and were checking on Alec from time to time.

Magnus was holding Alec's hand and stroking his head with the other. Finally, after about 4 hours Alec slowly opened his eyes.

"Alexander? Are you awake?" Magnus asked helping Alec to sit up.

"Oh my God my head" Alec said holding his head in both hands "did I hit my head somewhere, why does it hurt so much?"

"I'll call the doctor..." Magnus said and ran outside.

"Alec are you okay?" Jace asked walking towards his bed.

"Jace? What are you doing here? What time is it?" he asked still touching his forehead in pain. Before Jace could answer the doctor walked in.

"Alec, how are you feeling?" he asked inspecting Alec.

"My head hurts so much..." Alec said.

"Don't'll wear off after a few minutes, the sedatives were too powerful so it'll take some time to completely leave your system." The doctor said.

"Sedatives? What sedatives?" Alec asked confused.

The doctor looked at Magnus.

"I'll explain it later Alexander" Magnus said.

"Alec you need to rest me if you feel any difference..." the doctor said patting Alec's shoulder and then left the room leaving Alec with Jace and Magnus.

Alec raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother and boyfriend. "Can someone please explain?" he said turning towards the both of them.

"I'll go and talk with the doctor and come" Magnus said and quickly left.

"Look Alec...we will definitely tell you what happened...but you need to rest first...Magnus didn't sleep at he needs to sleep too" Jace said.

"Yeah...I think I really need some head is killing me" Alec said and lay down again on the bed. "Is Mags not coming?"

"He's talking with the doctor I guess" Jace said. "Get some rest Alec..."

Jace said and switched off the lights.


Magnus actually didn't leave to talk with the doctor, he went to get his neck treated before Alec could notice anything. He didn't want Alec to be shocked by the incident. Even if it was treated, the red marks didn't disappear.

After getting his treatments, Magnus entered the room to find both Alec and Jace sound asleep. He slowly closed the door and went to his bed so he could take some rest.

After around 3 hours Alec woke up. Magnus and Jace were already up and they were on their laptops.

" are you feeling?" Jace asked as he saw Alec sitting up on the bed.

"Now I feel much better" Alec said smiling "Mags? Don't you want to look at me?"

Magnus was avoiding Alec's eyes and didn't turn much towards him. But Alec noticed the difference. "Mags? Are you okay?"

Magnus lifted his collar up to cover his neck and turned towards Alec "yeah baby, I'm fine, was just busy with some work..."

Alec opened his arms "hug?"

Magnus smiled and came closer to hug him. As soon as Magnus was close enough, Alec grabbed his hand and pulled him closer not letting Magnus to move. With his free hand he pulled down Magnus's collar exposing his neck. His eyes widened seeing the dark red marks around Magnus's neck.

"Baby what happened? Oh my God who did this to you?" Alec asked touching Magnus's neck. He pulled the shirt further down "Are these nail marks?" Alec asked glaring at Magnus.

"TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED???" he shouted tightly grabbing Magnus's shoulder and shaking him.

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