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The next day, early in the morning there was a knock on the door which woke both Alec and Magnus.

"Mr. Bane, your father regained his consciousness." A nurse said opening the door halfway.

Magnus quickly got down from the bed.

"Mags you should quickly go" Alec said. Magnus nodded and ran outside.


Magnus was holding his father's hand and waiting for the nurse to remove his oxygen mask.

"Dad, how are you feeling?" Magnus asked as soon as the nurse left.

Asmodeus couldn't speak so he blinked and signaled that he was okay.

"Dad, I'm so relieved that you are okay" Magnus said with tears in his eyes.

Asmodeus reached out his hand to touch Magnus's face and wiped his tears with his thumb.

"Dad why did you jump in front of the bullets? Why did you risk your life?" Magnus started to cry.

"My boy" Asmodeus spoke with difficulty "I'm your father" and smiled.

The nurse entered with Dr. Dorothea.

"Hey Asmodeus, how are you feeling?" she asked while checking his pulse.

"I'm okay" he replied.

"You gave us quiet a were unconscious for almost 3 days...You need to rest well if you want to recover fast" she said and turned to Magnus "Magnus, you should let him rest and maybe talk to him tomorrow?"

Magnus nodded.

"Thank you Dot" Asmodeus said.

Dr. Dorothea smiled, patted Magnus's shoulder and left the room.

"Dad, you should get some sleep, I'll come later" Magnus said holding his father's hand and smiled.

"How's Alec?" Asmodeus asked when Magnus was going to leave.

"He's okay...has a broken leg though...but he's recovering fast" Magnus said smiling. "I'll come to see you with him" Magnus said and left the room letting the nurse help Asmodeus to get changed.


"Is Mr. Bane okay?" Alec asked when Magnus returned to the room.

"Yes...he's doing okay" Magnus sighed in relief. He went close to Alec and hugged him. "I'm so glad that both of you are okay"

Alec stroke his back comforting Magnus. "I'm glad you are okay too baby"

Magnus pulled back and looked into Alec's eyes. "I love you so much Alexander" he said touching Alec's cheek.

"I love you too baby" Alec said and pulled him to a warm passionate kiss.

Right then there was a knock on the door and Izzy walked in.

"Oh you two lovebirds are getting cozy I see" Izzy said teasing them.

"Izz you are supposed to knock and wait for the 'come in'" Alec said annoyed.

Izzy rolled her eyes and smirked. "I bought you some pizza..."

Alec smiled.

"What happened with Jace?" Izzy asked from Magnus.

"Oh about that" Magnus said scratching his head "I tried to convince him...but he said that he is coming to see Alexander...I can't stop him from coming"

Alec and Izzy both sighed.

"Now we will have to give him all the explanations" Izzy said sitting next to Alec.

"Izzy, so you'll be staying with Alexander today right?" Magnus asked.

"Yeppp" she said.

"Where are you going Mags?" Alec asked.

"I need to go check on work at the office, I'll come before 6.00pm, I promise." He said.

"Okay" Alec said and hugged Magnus goodbye.

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