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Magnus walked closer to her and said a little louder "hey...can't you hear what I'm saying!"

The woman gave out a laugh and said still looking at her phone "Loud and clear Magnus Bane"

"You know me?" he asked.

"Of course" she said looking straight in the eyes and got down from the desk. She was wearing high heels which made her tall enough to look at Magnus straight in the eyes.

Magnus took few steps back but the woman was getting closer and closer. He couldn't reach for the bell to call Hayley.

"Magnus Bane, you look very handsome in person" she said in a very flirtish voice. She was now only inches away from Magnus's body.

She put her hand on Magnus chest pushing him towards the wall.

"I f*cking don't know who you are...and I don't want to hurt you...just get back before I call security" Magnus said now angry.

"I'm not scared baby...try and call the security, or just call your poor boyfriend whom you want to protect so much" she said.

"How dare you talk about my boyfriend!" Magnus shouted and grabbed her wrist "Don't you dare lay a finger on him"

The woman laughed hysterically "I won't...I just want you" saying that she forcefully kissed Magnus on the lips, her red finger nails clutching Magnus's neck.

Magnus was fighting back to push her away but she was stronger than he thought. She grabbed hold of Magnus's hand and continued to kiss him.

Right then Alec and Andrew opened the door.

Alec just froze and didn't understand what he was seeing. The set of files which he was holding fell down.

"Oops, he's here" the woman said wiping her lips and looking at Alec.

"Alexander, this is not what it looks like" Magnus said panting.

Alec didn't know what to say, words didn't come out of his mouth.

"Andrew call security, NOW!" Magnus shouted.

Andrew was also frozen but he quickly came back to his senses and ran outside.

"My work is done here..." she giggled "I'll walk out and see you soon baby" she whispered into Magnus's ear.

"YOU B*ITCH HOW DARE YOU!!!" Magnus shouted.

It was so loud that Hayley came running into his room. "Magnus what's wrong?"

Alec was still shocked and was looking at Magnus. "How could you Magnus?" he said in a low voice.

Magnus suddenly fainted and Hayley caught him.

"Magnus!" Alec shouted and ran to him. "Mags wake up" Alec said tapping on Magnus's cheek. But he didn't respond.

"We need to take him to a hospital" Alec screamed. "Hayley quickly do something"

Hayley was panicking too, she quickly called the emergency service and as soon as they arrived they took Magnus to the hospital.


Alec, Hayley and Andrew were sitting till they were allowed to see Magnus.

"What happened?" Hayley asked.

" was a woman" Alec said.

"A woman?" Hayley asked.

Alec was staring at the floor; he was reminded of the scene and he was sweating.

"What woman Alec?" Hayley asked, but Alec didn't reply, his whole body was shivering. She looked at Andrew.

"Alec you don't look so good" Andrew said.

"I'm okay...I'm just...I... uh...need some air" Alec said and walked outside.

Hayley and Andrew let him go, "What happened?" Hayley asked.

"There was a woman in a red dress, when the two of us entered, she was kissing Magnus..." Andrew said.

"What!" Hayley said.

Andrew just nodded.

Alec was standing outside and thinking to himself. He wouldn't do that; he'll never do that to me...he will never cheat on me...he said that he loves me; Alec was repeatedly saying with tears in his eyes.

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