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“Mags you have flour on your nose” Alec laughed.

“You have it on your cheeks” Magnus laughed and tried to wipe it off Alec’s cheek making it worse. “Oops” Magnus laughed. 

“Oh no you didn’t” Alec said looking at Magnus. 

Magnus winked and ran around the table, Alec was running behind him. They were having so much fun. 

Finally they finished making the cake after so much hustle and fun. 

“It looks good right?” Magnus asked.

“Yeah we make a good team” Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek.

“We should clean ourselves now and get home” Magnus said. “I asked our friends to come by to taste the cake…” Magnus said.

“You did what?” Alec asked.

“Izzy, Si, Aiden and Josh will come in an hour or so” Magnus said laughing.

“You will have to be responsible for their health…they would never taste this if they saw how me made this” Alec said laughing. 

“Let’s go” Magnus said.


Once they were home, they kept the first ever cake they made together on the table and waited for the others to arrive. 

“I loved today…” Magnus said leaning towards Alec and giving him a kiss.

“Me too” Alec said smiling and kissing him back. 

The doorbell rang and Aiden and Josh arrived.

“Hey guys!” Magnus greeted them.

Once Simon and Izzy arrived they cut the cake and tasted it. It actually tasted pretty good for a first timer. They spent the whole evening together watching movies and playing games.

Finally when they left, Alec was so eager to have Magnus for himself. 

“Magsy I missed holding you” Alec said putting his arms around Magnus’s waist and he gave a soft kiss of Magnus’s lips. 

“Magsy? That’s new” Magnus chuckled. 

“I want to call you Magsy” Alec said grinning. 

Magnus laughed. “When we are alone… that’ll be fine” he said.

“Should we finish watching the movie?” Magnus asked sitting on the sofa.

Alec nodded. 

Few minutes into the movie, Alec crawled onto Magnus slowly kissing him on the shoulder and neck. Magnus giggled. Alec was now facing Magnus and sitting on his lap. Without breaking the kisses Alec ran his hands under Magnus’s t-shirt to run his fingers on Magnus abs giving him goosebumps. He removed Magnus’s t-shirt and worked his way towards Magnus chest leaving delicate bite marks all over Magnus's chest. 

“I want you Alexander” Magnus whispered into Alec’s ear giving him chills.

Magnus lifted Alec up and carried into his room.

“What about dinner?” Alec asked through the kisses before Magnus closed the door behind them.

“You are my dinner” Magnus whispered in a flirtish tone and kicked close the door behind them.

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