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"Who are you?" Alec asked walking backwards.

The men didn't answer. One man with a knife grabbed Alec's hand not letting him to run. Alec was screaming for help and fighting to get out of the tight grip. While he was fighting the man cut Alec's arm with the knife. Alec was able to kick him and run towards the stairs.

Simon was on the phone and he could hear everything. Alec took the phone to his ear "Simon help me" was the only thing he could say and the three men knocked him down before he could run.


Simon's POV

"Alec? What's going on" Simon could hear Alec screaming for help.

"Alec? Answer me" Simon was repeatedly asking. And finally he heard Alec's voice

"Simon help me" Alec said and the call ended.

"Si what is it? Why are you shouting?" Izzy ran into his room.

"Izzy Alec...Oh my God Alec!!" Simon was panicking

"What is it? What happened?" Izzy asked now scared.

"Izz we need to go now...something happened to Alec" Simon said taking his coating and running out of the house. And Izzy followed him.

"Izz call Magnus quickly" Simon said. "Put it on speaker."

"Magnus it's Simon...something happened to Alec..." Simon said.

"What do you mean something happened?" Magnus asked confused.

Then Simon explained what happened and what he heard.

"I'm on my way" Magnus said and kept the phone.

"What do you mean Alec was shouting for help?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know Izz..." Simon said.

They drove so fast that they arrived at Alec's place in about 10 minutes.

Simon got out of the car "Izz I'll go inside, please call Luke and explain what happened and ask for help"

Izzy nodded.

Simon went inside and he was shocked to see the mess inside the house.

*End of Simon's POV*

Magnus parked his car outside and ran inside. He saw Simon staring at the mess.

"Oh my God what happened here?" Magnus said loudly "Alexander?" Magnus shouted and ran into his room.

"Alec? Alexander where are you?" Magnus shouted again, he ran upstairs but he was nowhere to be found.

Magnus came running downstairs. "Simon what happened?"

"I don't know Magnus; I was on a call with Alec" Simon said.

"Oh my God is this blood?" Magnus asked looking at the white carpet near the staircase.

Magnus felt like his head was spinning he sat down and touched the carpet. "Simon tell me this is not blood, please" Magnus shouted with tears in his eyes.

Simon at the first glance knew that it was blood but he couldn't say anything.

"What am I supposed to do now...where are you Alexander?" Magnus shouted.

"Magnus how did this happen? Where are the body guards? Why weren't they here" Simon asked.

"It's my's all because of me!!" Magnus said crying "I shouldn't have listened to him"

"To whom Magnus?" Simon asked confused.

"To Alexander...he said it was date night and he didn't want them to be here... I was anyway going to come home early so I asked them to take their day off" Magnus said crying. "It was so stupid of me...damn it!!!!"

"Okay, Magnus just calm down, Luke will be here any minute" Simon said patting Magnus's shoulder.

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