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Magnus was not stable enough to drive back so Alec called Simon and asked him to drive them home.

"Simon when do you think is Tyler's trial?" Alec asked.

"Most probably in 2 days" Simon said.

"We have to make sure he never gets out" Magnus said resting his head on Alec's shoulder.

"By the way, how's Mr. Bane? When is he getting discharged?" Simon asked trying to change the conversation.

"He'll probably be allowed to go home in a week or so" Alec replied.

"That's good, but Izzy told me that he can't do any work for a few months right? He's supposed to have strict bed rest"

"Yeah, he'll have a nurse to support him for about a 2 weeks, then me and Magnus will be taking care of him" Alec said.

"Will you be okay with your leg?" Simon asked.

"It's almost recovered...I'll be about and running in a week or so" Alec said smiling.

"Alexander can you wake me up when we get home?" Magnus asked interrupting the conversation.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked caressing Magnus's hair.

"Yeah, I guess" he replied.

"Sure baby" Alec said and Magnus closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Once they came home, Magnus felt more relaxed. He helped Alec to his room and ordered lunch.

Once the food arrived, Magnus took the food to Alec in his room. "Aren't you going to eat?" Alec asked.

"I'm not hungry" Magnus replied and left the room.

Alec munched down his lunch and he saw Magnus blankly staring at his phone. He knew that Magnus was lost deep in thought.

"Mags...Magnus can you come here for a second?" Alec called out.

Magnus was distracted by Alec's voice; he shook his head. He entered the room and sat next to Alec on the bed. "What is it Alexander?"

"Mags..." Alec said reaching out to hold his hand "I know you are stressed about what Tyler said, I don't want you to get sick"

"I'm not going to get sick baby" he replied.

"You didn't even have your never miss a meal Mags...You can talk to me about anything okay?" Alec said but Magnus didn't look at Alec he just stared at the ground.

"Listen Mags...I understand that you are scared, I'm scared too, but Mags we've hired the best lawyers and I know that Tyler won't be able to get out of jail for a long time. We don't have to worry about him again. I promise I'll protect you, I won't leave your side" Alec said lifting Magnus head with both of his hands.

"But what if he gets out in a few months?" Magnus asked.

"Our lawyers won't let that happen...I've talked with them and they have enough evidence to sentence him to at least 2 years" Alec said.

Magnus sighed "okay"

Alec looked at Magnus and wiped off his tears with his thumb. "We are gonna be okay Mags. We will be safe" he said kissing Magnus on the forehead.

"Come here and have your lunch" Alec said pushing the portable table towards Magnus. "Should I feed you?" Alec asked.

Magnus smiled through the tears and nodded.

Alec smiled and pulled Magnus towards him, holding him from his waist "Come here my angel let's eat"

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