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 “Dinner is here!” Magnus called out to Alec.

“I’m coming…give me a minute…” Alec said.

Magnus arranged everything on the dinner table, lit few candles and stayed for Alec to come.

Alec came down wiping his wet hair from a towel and sat next to Magnus. “So what are we having today?” he asked pretty excited.

“This is my favourite double spicy ramen…and that is the non-spicy one...” he said pointing out at the food “ordered in case you cannot eat spicy…and this is my most favourite fried chicken” he said opening a huge box.

“Oh my god Magnus…this is enough for 4 people. How are we going to finish all of this?” Alec asked.

“Don’t worry…I’m very talented when it comes to food” Magnus said.

They started dinner and Alec wanted to try the spicy ramen… “Can I?” he asked.

“Yes you may…but don’t complain” Magnus said grinning .

Alec took one bite and he forgot where he was…it was way too spicy for him.

“Oh shit Magnus….ahhhhh” he was shouting and ran to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

He filled a full glass and drank it in two sips “my god this is way too spicy…damn it…do we have ice-cream or something? I can’t feel my tongue….I can’t feel my lips…” Alec was screaming while looking through his refrigerator.

Magnus came and helped him to look for the ice-cream while Alec filled his mouth with ice. Alec couldn’t even talked properly because his mouth was full of ice.

Magnus was laughing really hard.
“Ma…w..h..y...op..” Alec tried to talk.

Magnus couldn’t stop laughing. “What are you saying Alexander? I can’t understand a word you are saying…” Magnus was still laughing.

Magnus then saw a piece of noodle on Alec’s hair…how did that even get there, Magnus thought and he tried to take it. Alec was still struggling with the ice in his mouth. 

As soon as Magnus tried to reach the piece of noodle Alec grabbed his hand. Alec quickly emptied his mouth to the sink and asked “what do you think you are doing?” still holding Magnus’s hand from the wrist.

Their faces were only inches apart.
Magnus couldn’t say anything. He felt his heart raising. He just stared into Alec’s eyes.

Alec was feeling nervous and he felt the shivers in his spine. He got this uncontrollable urge to kiss Magnus. Suddenly he pulled Magnus closer still holding his hand and pressed his lips on Magnus’s lips.

Magnus was shocked, he didn’t know what to do…he always wanted to kiss Alec but he couldn’t believe what was happening. He didn’t fight back…he automatically gave in and relaxed. 

Suddenly the doorbell rang and both Alec and Magnus quickly pulled away.

It was only a peck, but Alec was shocked about himself “I’ll check” he said and quickly went to check who it was.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now