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Magnus was now fully used to the company. He has been working there for 5 months now. But now he was feeling sad because it was his last month in the company.

He was only in the company as an intern for 6 months. He had 1 month more to find out why Alec was ignoring him. It won’t be hard.

He thought and sighed. I tried for 3 whole months and let’s try again. Let’s do this Magnus. He told himself. 

“Hey Alexander, I need to ask you something” he directly walked to Alec and said “I need to know why you are ignoring me so much” Magnus finally blurted out.

Alec was stunned at the question. He didn’t know what to say. Obviously he can’t tell Magnus that every time he saw Magnus he was reminded of the dream he saw. So he had to lie “No Magnus…I’m not ignoring you, I’m just really busy.” he said.

“But Alexander you didn’t even look at me during last week’s team dinner” Magnus said with a low voice.

“I’m sorry Magnus, I have nothing to say about it” Alec replied 

“Okay…” Magnus said and looked down still wanting to talk to Alec.

“What is it Magnus?” Alec asked.

“Nothing…I’ll get back to work” Magnus said and walked away.

“Magnus!” Alec called out. Did Alec just call out my name? He thought and turned towards Alec.

“I’m not mad at you okay…and don’t think that I’m ignoring you…it’s just I need sometime for myself” Alec said and smiled. 

That gorgeous smile melted Magnus away. He craved to see that smile for a long time. Magnus was so happy to see Alec smile. Magnus smiled back, nodded and walked back to his desk. 
Alec’s smile made his day.

He was overjoyed. He was smiling to himself looking at his computer when Aldertree came to him. Magnus didn’t even notice him until he tapped on his desk.

“Magnus can you come with me? I have one last project for you” Aldertree said
Magnus followed Aldertree. They were walking towards Alec. 

“Alec” Aldertree called out “Alec you need an interior designer for your project at the hotel Dumort right? You can work with Magnus.” he said “Do well on your last project Magnus…so I’ll be able to recommend you when you get back” Aldertree patted on Magnus’s shoulder and walked away.
“Your last project?” Alec asked shocked “Why are you leaving? Don’t you like your work here?” Alec felt like a knife was stuck in his heart.

Magnus nodded “I was just an intern Alexander”
“What?” Alec was puzzled “Why an intern? I though you finished your bachelor’s…”

“It’s complicated Alexander…and I’m going to start my masters in two months”

Alec was shocked and sad to hear that Magnus was leaving. “Oh…” was the only reply that came out of his mouth.
“So what do I have to do?” Magnus asked. Alec was just staring into thin air.

“Alexander?” Magnus called “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…right” Alec said “these files have all the details you need to know…We are designing a new part at hotel Dumort and you’ll be the interior designer. Before we start the designing process let’s go meet the owner and get their ideas first.” Alec said and handed him the files.

“Okay…so when are we going?” Magnus asked.

“I was planning to go around 2 today...will you be free?” Alec asked

“Yeah…sure let’s go” Magnus replied
Alec couldn’t believe that he was working on a project with Magnus. Is this fate? Every time I try to ignore him he gets closer, Alec thought.

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