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Magnus was too stressed about the whole investor situation. He had never faced something like this without his father.

"'s everything going, I came as soon as I can" Magnus said walking into the office.

"Magnus, I don't know how all these investors got to know about Mr. Bane...and now they are saying that they can't trust the company without him." Hayley said.

"My father is alive, and he'll be back in a few days...why are they acting this way so suddenly?" Magnus asked.

"I think it's better it you go and talk to them...they are waiting in the meeting room" Hayley said handing over the files to Magnus.

As Magnus walked in he heard all the mutters of the investors gathered. Magnus walked around them and sat at the round table. All the investors seeing Magnus walking in stopped their mutters and took their seats.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

"Mr. McCall, would you please explain to me what is suddenly happening here?" Magnus asked in a very polite tone.

McCall was one of the biggest investors in their company and had been a family friend of the Banes for a long time.

"Mr. Bane, it seems that your company is starting to become unstable...So almost all the investors are in a problematic situation..." he said.

"Mr. McCall, May I ask you from where you heard this? Or how did any of you come to this conclusion?" Magnus asked looking at everyone sitting at the table.

"Mr. Bane, the news about Mr. Asmodeus Bane reached us...and we know that he's in a critical stage so..." one of the investors said but was cutoff mid-sentence.

"Who told you that my father was in a critical stage? And even if he was, you cannot breach the contracts that you have signed..." Magnus said.

"But Mr. Bane your father might..." another investor tried to talk.

"My father is recovering pretty fast" Magnus said raising his voice "Let me tell all of you one thing, it is true that my father faced an accident and was critically injured...but now he is recovering and it is also true that he won't be able to be at work for a few months," Magnus paused "but that does not mean that the company is failing, I will take the full responsibility of the company until my father returns and you do not have to maintain any doubt about it" he said confidently.

"We do trust you Mr. Bane but as Mr. Tyler told us, the company has already lost 2 contracts from 2 hotel chains and that concerns us" Mr. McCall said.

Magnus was boiling with anger hearing the name Tyler.

"Mr. McCall, that is a false rumor and please don't take to heart what Tyler says...he is not in good terms with the family at the moment...I would not go in to detail of our personal issues, but trust me, my father and our company..., I assure you our company is safe" Magnus said. "Please don't give into false rumours...if you have any doubt please feel free to contact me or my secretary." He said and stood up.

"I hope everything is cleared here, any more problems?" Magnus asked.

"No Mr. Bane..." one investor said.

"Okay then I'll take my leave, hope we can work together in the future without any problem" Magnus said and left the meeting room.

As soon as Magnus reached his office room, he sat down on the sofa and exhaled deeply "Hayley did I do well, did I say anything offensive?" Magnus asked.

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