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“Hey are things with your lover boy?” Camille asked after the lecture.

“Never been better…and guess what?” Magnus said in a happy tone.

“What?” Camille asked.

“We are going on our first date today…” Magnus said closing his eyes. 

“Mags that’s awesome” Camille said smiling. “I’m so happy for you” Camille said hugging him.

“See you tomorrow then…” Magnus said and walked towards Alec’s department.

“Alexander I’m near your department…where are you?” he called Alec.

“I’ll be there in a second” Alec said and kept the phone.

Someone suddenly hugged him from behind. With the first touch he knew it was Alec. He touched Alec’s hands. 

“Ready for our first date?” Alec whispered.

“I’ve been waiting the whole day…” Magnus said pulling Alec to kiss him on the neck.

“Let’s go” Alec said holding Magnus’s hand.

They got in the car and drove to Hotel Dumort. They walked into to the new part which was almost finished with the construction.

“What do you think?” Alec asked Magnus.

“It’s beautiful…” he said and looked around “you know when I’m the interior designer why wouldn’t it be…” Magnus chuckled and winked.

Alec kissed Magnus’s cheek “Yeah why wouldn’t it be…” 

“Hey Magnus, Alec seems like you two have gotten closer” the owner said walking towards them.

Both Magnus and Alec blushed.
“Haven’t seen you for a long time Magnus…don’t you work there anymore?” she asked.

“Actually I was an intern there…so yeah…” Magnus said.

“An intern?” she asked. “Well… I should say you’ve got the skill” she smiled and walked with them to show the construction site.

Magnus was so happy and proud of himself.

“We should get going now…thank you for letting us take a look at the construction” Magnus and Alec said.
They thanked the owner and they walked to the car.

“Alexander…”Magnus said when they got into the car, “this is not the first date you wanted right?” he asked.
“No Magnus, there’s nothing like that…I’m happy that I got to spend the day with you…” he said smiling. 

“Should we have dinner outside?” Magnus asked.

Alec smiled and drove to Magnus’s favourite restaurant. He parked the car outside and checked his phone. 

“We are having dinner at your favourite restaurant…so it’ll be the perfect first date” Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek.

They got out of the car and walked inside holding hands.

“Alexander usually it’s not this dark and why aren’t there any people? I think it’s closed.” Magnus said.

Alec went behind Magnus and closed Magnus’s eyes with his hands and signaled the owner. 


Hope everyone likes the story so far...
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