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Memories of last night flowed into Magnus's mind.

Magnus was trying to get Alec on his bed but he didn’t let go of Magnus’s neck. He was mumbling “I want you…I want you” while holding onto Magnus. And suddenly Alec pulled Magnus to his face and started to kiss him. Magnus wanted to kiss him back. He really wanted to. But he knew that Alec was drunk and that he didn’t mean to do what he was doing. So Magnus quickly pulled back and let Alec sleep on the bed.
With all these memories flowing into his mind he didn’t know what to say.
“No Alexander…you fell asleep as soon as you hit the trouble at all” Magnus finally said
“Gosh…then its fine… I had this weird dream…but I can’t remember clearly” Alec said

“What dream Alexander?” 
“Nothing…I can’t remember anything” he lied. He clearly remembered his dream. He dreamt of kissing Magnus but he couldn’t say that. 
For the next few weeks each time he saw Magnus he was reminded of the dream but then he reminded himself each time that it was just a dream. Magnus has a girlfriend and he’s doesn’t know a thing about Magnus.
Alec knew that something inside him wanted to hold Magnus every time he saw him. But he couldn’t understand what this feeling was.
On the other hand Magnus felt the same as Alec but he knew from the start that he has fallen for Alec. He didn’t completely know him but from what he saw at office, how Alec behaves, how polite and kind he was to everyone, Magnus understood that Alec was one of a kind man. Alec was really friendly with everyone at the company but the only problem was that Alec was ignoring Magnus.
“Alexander want to grab a coffee?” Magnus asked “No… I don’t have time to go right now…” Alec replied
“Okay then I’ll bring you your favourite iced Americano” Magnus said 
Alec looked at Magnus “How did you know that it was my favourite?” 
“That was a wild guess” Magnus lied. Magnus was observing Alec for almost 3 months starting from the first day he arrived at office and he obviously knew what Alec’s favourite coffee was.
 Alec rolled his eyes and looked back at his computer. “No thank you Magnus…I’m good” 
Magnus a little sad walked away without looking at Alec.
They haven’t talked much since the night after Alec got drunk. Magnus didn’t understand why Alec was acting like that. Why Alec ignored him so much. Was it because of the kiss? No can’t be…he said that he blacked out and couldn’t remember anything. Magnus thought. And so he walked to the cafeteria to get his drink.

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