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Alec was home before Magnus, he felt like his whole life was about to crumble into pieces but he had to stay strong. He didn’t want Magnus to see that he was feeling anxious. 

He slowly started to pack the clothes and books of Magnus into his suitcase. Tears rolled down when he was reminded of the memories he had with Magnus. Magnus will come back, he won’t leave me forever, it’s just for a few months, he’ll come back, he’s going to come back, Alec thought repeatedly. 

“Baby I’m home” Magnus said entering the house.

Alec quickly ran to Magnus and hugged him. “I missed you so much” he said giving slow kisses all over Magnus’s face.

“I missed you too” Magnus said hugging Alec back.

“Will your father send a vehicle for you to leave?” Alec asked trying not to show how anxious he was. 

Magnus nodded. “He’ll send a vehicle in 3 to 4 hours, I need to start packing…” he sighed.

“I already did pack your clothes and books; I don’t want you to take everything…I’m not allowing you to take everything” Alec said.

Magnus smiled. “Why would I want to take everything when I’m coming back in a few months…” Magnus said kissing Alec on the cheek.

Alec tried to smile but he couldn’t. 

“Hey listen, now that you have packed my stuff, we have all 4 hours to ourselves…how about we enjoy our time” Magnus said walking to the kitchen and taking two wine glasses.

Alec finally smiled. “Let’s do that” he said. 

They cuddled on the sofa with the wine glasses in their hands. “Should we finish this whole bottled?” Magnus asked.

Alec laughed. “Do you want to?” he asked. 

Magnus grinned and poured a full glass of wine and drank it in 2 sips.

“Woah…baby…slow down” Alec said.

Magnus smiled already drunk after finishing half of the bottle. Magnus crawled onto Alec with flirty eyes and unbuttoned Alec’s shirt without a word.

Alec knew that Magnus was drunk but he didn’t complain. 

Magnus placed soft kisses on Alec’s chest working his hand down to remove Alec’s trousers and then moved on to remove his.

Alec pulled Magnus up and smashed their lips together making Magnus moan with pleasure.  

They could feel their bodies moving in sync. “I love you Alexander” Magnus whispered through the kiss. 

“I love you too” Alec replied. Alec ran one hand through Magnus’s hair pulling him closer and his other hand started to stroke Magnus back. Magnus broke the kiss and started to kiss Alec’s neck slowly biting and licking and working down to kiss his chest and abs “Best dinner ever” Magnus whispered. Alec bit his lower lip trying not to scream with pleasure. Magnus ran his hands down to take off Alec’s boxers making Alec moan with pleasure. “Hold that thought…” Alec said panting and lifting him up kissing him on the neck. “Bedroom…now” he said and carried Magnus into the room. 

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