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It was almost 8.00 in the morning, both Alec and Magnus were still asleep. 

Magnus woke up as he heard his alarm ring. He was tired and still sleepy. He turned around to see his love fast asleep, then he took his phone and saw the time and came to his senses. Oh shoot, he thought.

“Alexander!! Wake up!” he shook Alec to wake him up. “We are late…we are seriously really late…” he said panicking and getting out of bed. 

Alec was still sleepy “Why?” he asked.

“Alexander it’s 8 in the morning…we are late!” Magnus said running into the shower.

“Oh shit…” Alec suddenly came to his senses and ran to get ready.

“We’ll get breakfast on the way?” Magnus asked as he came out of the shower. Alec nodded. He kissed Alec on the cheek and went to get dressed. 

They got dressed and left the house.

After they finished their lectures, Alec had to leave for work. He kissed Magnus goodbye and left to work. 

Magnus returned home alone to find a letter from his father with a big package. He took it inside and opened the package. The box was filled with shirts, ties and files. The note read ‘You have only 2 months more’.

Magnus sighed and put the box under his bed and lied down on his bed and he fell asleep in a few minutes. 

At work, Alec was loaded with work. 

“Alec can you check and complete these files please?” Aldertree handed him a set of files. Alec nodded. He knew that he won’t be able to go home early.

So he called Magnus. 

“Hey Mags…” he said.

“Alexander…I miss you” Magnus said waking up up and sitting on his bed.

“Mags…I’m stuck with work and I don’t think I can come home till 8 today…” Alec said in a rather disappointed voice.

“Oh...” Magnus sighed. “Stuck with work?” he asked.

“Hmm…We are going to have a new director….who will be in charge of our department…so we are pretty busy arranging everything…” Alec said.

“Okay love…I’ll make dinner and wait for you…” Magnus said “love you”

“Love you too” Alec said and kept the phone.

Alec got back to work.

“Aline can you check if these documents were approved?” Alec asked handing her a file.

She nodded.

“We should take a coffee break guys…” Meliorn said “then let’s works straight till 7.30…Deal?” he asked

“Yess!!” everyone agreed.

“Your coffee Alec” Nora gave Alec his favourite coffee. Alec smiled.

“Guys anyone has any idea who the new director is?” Aline asked.

“I heard that it was the son of the CEO” Nora said.

“Our CEO has a son?” Alec asked. 

“Yeah…and I heard his son was pretty young…have to check if he’s hot” Nora said putting on an evil smile.

Everyone laughed. But Aline's smile faded away.

“Okay guys…enough chatting! Get back to work” Aldertree said.

Everyone sighed and got back to work.

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