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I have to find who the spy is, Magnus thought. Whom does dad trust the most? He thought for a while. And suddenly he was reminded of Hodge, his assistant. He wanted to make sure so he slowly sneaked into Hodge's cabin.

Before anyone could see him, he quickly went through the files on his desk but he couldn't find anything. He opened the drawer to find a nameless blank file. He quickly opened it. He was shocked to see what was inside it.

How could he do this to us, Magnus thought and went through what was inside the file. The file was filled with photos of him and Alec, Alec's house and photos taken at college.

He quickly put the file back in the drawer when he heard footsteps of someone and he quickly left the cabin.

Magnus returned to his room to find Alec and Hayley sitting on the couch. Hayley was trying her best to calm Alec down.

"Alexander..." Magnus said and kneeled down beside him. "I'm so sorry... you are going through this because of me...I'm sorry" he said and hugged Alec.

"Mags, I don't know what I did wrong...I always worked hard and did the best I could..." Alec said tears starting to fill his eyes.

"You did nothing's all because of father, he knows about our relationship" Magnus said. Holding Alec's hand.

"But how? Hayley promised me that she didn't tell him" Alec said "Right Hayley?" he asked looking at Hayley.

"I promise it was not me" she said.

"It was not was my father's assistant, I checked the CCTV footage on my way and he was here last night, and I also found out that he had been following us around all this time..." Magnus said clutching his fists.

Alec knew that Magnus was boiling with anger. And he was scared that he might destroy the relationship which was left between him and his father.

"'s okay" Alec said calmly holding Magnus face and looking into his eyes. "I'll work at the other department, it's not like I was fired, I will still see you here and at home..."

"But Alexander..." Magnus said touching Alec's cheek "this is not fair"

"Magnus listen, when I got to know that you were the CEO's son, I did some thinking, and I knew that your father won't easily give us his permission to I've already made up my mind to go through whatever happens..." Alec said smiling through his tears " long as you don't change your mind, as long as you love me the same and stick right next to me...I will have the strength to fight for our love."

Magnus couldn't believe what he was hearing. I'm so lucky to have you Alexander, I'm so damn lucky, he thought. "Thank you for understanding Alexander" Magnus said stroking his cheek with his thumb.

"No matter what happens I will always fight for our love" Magnus reassured.

Now that Alec was calm he didn't want to mess his mind once more by telling him what his father told him, he didn't want to hurt Alec. But he also didn't want to keep it a secret.

His phone vibrated so he checked his phone. It was a message from Asmodeus. 'I'll send the vehicle by 10pm...get ready to leave the house'

'I'm not leaving' Magnus sent a reply.

The phone vibrated again. It was his father again; 'If you want that boy to live in peace and work at this company, you better do what I say'

Magnus had to protect Alec, he didn't want to hurt him anymore.

He took a deep breath...

"Hayley can you leave for a while?" Magnus said.

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