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Next day after work, Alec and Magnus went to buy ingredients for dinner.

"Alexander, what does your mom like to eat?" Magnus asked.

"Potato salad? Pizza? I don't exactly know" Alec said sighing.

Magnus rolled his eyes "Come on Alexander, just a tiny hint would be helpful"

"She'll love to eat anything you make Mags, don't worry" Alec smiled and kissed Magnus on the cheek.


When they got home, Jace and Clary were sitting in the living room playing with Max.

"Alec!" Clary hugged him.

"How are you short head?" Alec asked messing her hair.

"Hey don't..." she pulled back annoyed but laughed and said "good to see you two after a long time

"Hi Magnus" Clary hugged Magnus.

Magnus smiled and hugged her back.

"So how are you two doing bro?" Jace asked fist bumping Alec.

Alec looked at Magnus "We are doing great..." Alec said. "What about you two? How's everything in California?"

"It's great over there, I love that place" Jace said. "So what are we having for dinner? Mom said Magnus promised to cook for her"

"Yep, Mags will be the chef tonight" Alec said and kissed him on the cheek.

"I should probably prepare everything now" Magnus said walking into the kitchen.

"You need a hand?" Alec asked.

"I'll handle it tonight baby" Magnus said smiling. "You go catchup, I'll finish this soon and join you".

Few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Must be Izzy, I'll get it" Maryse said and opened the door. It was Izzy and Simon.

"CLARYYYY!!" Izzy ran to hug Clary.

"You don't see your brother?" Jace asked.

"Oh I see you too...Hi brother" Izzy said and hugged Jace.

"Where's Magnus?" Simon asked.

"He's making dinner, in the kitchen" Alec said pointing at the kitchen.

"Okay...I'll go check if he needs help" Simon said and walked into the kitchen.

The others were very loud, laughing and making jokes about each other. They had a lot of catching up to do.

Simon and Magnus were still in the kitchen and Alec noticed that they were in some serious talk. Right when Alec walked into the kitchen they stopped talking and started to cook.

Alec raised one eyebrow "What are you guys doing?"

"Cooking Alexander" Magnus said smiling.

"No what were you guys talking about?" Alec asked sitting on the counter.

"Oh that, that we were talking about this movie...right Magnus?" Simon said looking at Magnus.

"Yeah...yeah that new movie which was released recently...I was asking him if it was good so we can go watch it sometime" Magnus said still not looking at Alec.

Alec felt that there was something more to what they said but he held himself back without asking.

"Okay" Alec said "Done making dinner?" he asked wrapping his arms around Magnus from the back.

"Yes baby, almost done...I'll join you in a few minutes" Magnus said.

"Okay baby" Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek.

Once the dinner was ready Magnus called everyone to the table.

"Oh My God Lasagna...I love lasagna" Izzy said digging into her food.

"How does it taste Maryse?" Magnus asked nervously.

Maryse took a mouthful and her expression changed, she took a few seconds to chew it and looked at Magnus "This is the best Lasagna I've ever had Magnus...this tastes heavenly" she said.

Magnus was overjoyed "I'm glad you love it" he said smiling from ear to ear.

The others also complimented Magnus and thanked him for the food. It was a sleep over, but no one slept. Everyone stayed up till morning watching movies and playing games.

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