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Magnus felt tears in his eyes. Magnus walked in. “Thank you so much guys!” 

Aline came and put a party hat on Magnus and Nora lighted up the candles. 

“Happy Birthday Magnus” everyone wished. Magnus looked at Alec and Alec was smiling staring at how happy he looked. 

“This was all Alec’s idea…he planned everything” Nora said.

“They helped me a lot” Alec said smiling.

Magnus hugged Alec. “Sorry for jumping on you like that earlier…” Magnus said.

Alec grinned “That’s okay…”

Magnus turned towards Andrew “Thank you Andrew for helping Alec…” Magnus said.

“No problem” he said smiling. “I hope we are all good now? No misunderstandings?” he asked.

“No misunderstandings” Magnus said smiling.

After they cut the cake they danced and had a little fun. But it was inside the office so they couldn’t celebrate much.

“Guys thank you so much! I loved today” Magnus said. “I will definitely treat all of you to dinner tomorrow.”

“Woohooo” everyone shouted. Magnus smiled and enjoyed the mini party. 

“I have a surprise for you at home” Alec whispered.

“Then we should quickly go home…” Magnus said grinning from ear to ear.

As soon as the party was over Magnus and Alec headed home. 

“You ready for the surprise?” Alec asked “It’s not a big thing though…”

Saying that Alec opened the door. The house was decorated with balloons and fancy bulbs and so many party decos. Magnus was amazed to see the effort that Alec has put into decorating. 

Magnus walked in looking around and found a birthday cake on the table in the middle of the living room.

“Thank you so much baby” Magnus hugged Alec.

“And surprise three… there’s someone who would like to meet you…” Alec said. “Mom, Max you can come in…”

Maryse and Max walked out from the room.

“Happy Birthday Magnus!” Maryse said. “Can I hug you?” she asked.

“Of course” Magnus said and they hugged “Thank you so much Mrs. Lightwood, I’m so happy to finally see you.”

“You can call me Maryse and yes I’m so happy to see you too” she said smiling.

“Hey, you must be Max…” Magnus said bending down to pat Max’s head.

Max smiled and ran to Alec. 

“Alec is this your boyfriend?” Max asked.

“Yes Max…this is my boyfriend; his name is Magnus” Alec said introducing them.

“Hi Magnus, do you like to play basketball?” Max asked.

“Of course Max, I love basketball” Magnus said smiling.

The doorbell rang and Maryse opened the door.

“Mom!” Izzy jumped to hug Maryse as soon as the door opened.

“Hey love” Maryse said kissing her forehead.

“Mom, this is Simon” Izzy introduced Simon.

“Hi Mrs. Lightwood, it’s nice to meet you” Simon said.

“Call me Maryse…and it’s nice to meet you too Simon…I’ve heard a lot about both of you” Maryse said looking at Simon and Magnus.

“Happy birthday Magnus” Izzy hugged Magnus and Simon followed to do the same.

“Okay so, let’s cut the cake and celebrate.” Izzy said.

“Happy birthday baby” Alec said and kissed Magnus on the cheek. 

“Magnus, I’ve heard a lot about you” Maryse said during dinner after cutting the cake.

“I hope they are pretty positive things.” Magnus said.

“Do you think Alec says any negative thing about you?” Izzy asked laughing.

They laughed together.

“Mom, I’ll see you and Max during the weekend okay?” Izzy said as she left the house.

Maryse nodded and hugged Izzy and Simon goodbye.

Now Magnus was alone with Maryse in the living room. Alec was cleaning the dishes and max was playing games in his room.

“Maryse, thank you so much for today” Magnus said smiling.

“That’s nothing love, I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time” she said.

Magnus smiled.

Thank you so much for showing love to my story ❤❤I'm planning to end book 1 with 120 chapters...
Hope you stick till the end 🥺❤

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