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That night was one of their most memorable nights. Alec was laying on the bed and looking at Magnus who was fast asleep. I can't believe that one year has already passed, what did I ever do to deserve you Magnus Bane? He thought. He ran the tips of his fingers on Magnus's cheek and removed the strand of hair which had fallen over his eyes. "I love you so damn much" he whispered and kissed Magnus on the temple and went back to sleep.

The next day, it was Alec's birthday. Magnus had woken up before Alec and made his favourite breakfast.

"Rise and shine pup" Magnus said kissing Alec on the cheek. Alec wrinkled his eyes and opened them "Is it already morning, I need more sleep" he said covering his face with a blanket.

"Oh c'mon baby, it's your birthday...I made pancakes with syrup and strawberries..." Magnus said.

"I'm too sleepy" Alec replied still his face covered with the blanket.

Magnus rolled his eyes. "You need to..." Magnus said grabbing the edge of the blanket and pulling it "get up"

Magnus gasped seeing Alec, "Oh wow did you sleep like this?" Magnus asked stunned seeing Alec without a single thread of cloth on him. "I don't think I remember seeing you like this when I woke up..."

Alec smirked " was too I removed all my clothes...You don't like it?"

"I mean..." Magnus said crawling on the bed while unbuttoning his shirt "maybe we can have breakfast a little later" He leaned on Alec to kiss him on the lips. "Now I need to take care of this" he said.

It worked, Alec thought and wrapped his arms around Magnus neck and pulled him closer.

Magnus cupped Alec's face and kissed him deeply letting out moans.

"I love you" Alec whispered in Magnus's ears as he pulled back for air.

"Me too baby" Magnus said and kissed Alec on the forehead. Then he continued to trace his lips on Alec's temple, then to his eyes, nose, cheek and avoiding the lips he hungrily bit and licked Alec's neck. Alec gave out moans of pleasure while one of his hands were in Magnus's hair and the other pinned to the bed.

Magnus slowly licked down from his neck to trace Alec's delicate abs with his lips.

Magnus suddenly stopped kissing him and looked at Alec. "You hungry?" he asked when he heard Alec's stomach rumbling.

Alec covered his eyes with his hands in embarrassment. Magnus smiled and kissed Alec on the cheek. "Common let's have breakfast"


After having breakfast, Magnus called Alec to the living room.

"Yes baby?" Alec asked.

"Alexander, there's something I need to tell you..." Magnus said sighing.

Alec raised an eyebrow and sat next to Magnus. "What is it baby?"

"I know it's your birthday, and I don't want to spoil it but I need to tell this to you today"

"What is it Magnus?" he asked nervously.

"You know that dad is not in a position to attend any business trip right?" Magnus said and Alec nodded. "So I have to go on some business trips instead of him..." he continued "I was going to tell you yesterday, but I didn't get the chance"

Alec looked confused "So that's not bad news right? A business trip is nothing bad right?" Alec asked.

"It's not bad I know...but the thing is..." he trailed of and took a deep breath "it's going to be a very long trip"

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