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Next morning, Alec woke up on Magnus’s bed and he was so confused. The room was decorated with different coloured dreamcatchers, bulbs and paintings. Where am I? He thought. How did I get here? His head was spinning and hurting. He tried to remember about last night but he couldn't remember what happened after the game.

“Good morning Alexander! Here, drink some honey tea and you’ll feel better” Magnus was smiling and holding a mug in front of him.

“How did I get here?” was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

“You were so drunk last night and I didn’t know where you lived…so I brought you here…I’m sorry” Magnus apologized

“Oh” Alec said “and good morning”. He was still processing everything in his head.

Magnus was still holding the mug. “Thank you” Alec took it and drank the whole thing in one sip

Magnus's eyes widened and he smiled.

"But why did you bring me to your place? You don't even know me completely". Alec said.
"Trust can make you do strange things" Magnus smiled.

“You must be hungry Alexander…I made some waffles” Magnus said going out of the room.

Alec was a total mess. He quickly buttoned up his unbuttoned shirt and followed Magnus to the kitchen.

Magnus has made breakfast for him, that's so cute, he thought. Alec quickly sat down and started to eat the waffles right away.

“It tastes so good Magnus…I didn't know that you were this great of a chef. Thank you” Alec said while eating the waffles.

Magnus smiled "Surviving skills Alexander...When you live alone you learn how to cook somehow..."

Alec smiled and finished all 3 waffles and drank a glass of milk. He was so full after the delicious meal.

“Magnus…by the way did I do anything weird last night?” Alec asked because he knew that he acts weird when he’s drunk.
Magnus froze for a second.
Memories of last night flowed into Magnus's mind.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now