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"I love you so much Mags" Alec said hugging his fiancé when the others left.

Once they pulled back Magnus touched Alec's cheek "Happy Anniversary baby"

"What!! Oh my could I forget the date? Today's 30th?" Alec asked covering his face with his hands.

"Hey don't worry...we have about 6 hours to celebrate" Magnus said smiling.

Alec smiled though he felt like a total loser and then looked at his ring.

"You like it?" Magnus asked.

"Like? I love it" Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek.

"Alexander I know...this might not be the proposal you always wanted...but after what happened yesterday... I thought that I shouldn't postpone anything and regret

about it...we can have an engagement party as soon as you fully recover...I know this is so sudden and I don't know..." Magnus was cut off mid-sentence.

"Mags don't say that...I love this...and I never expected anything fancy...All I want is to be with you" Alec said holding Magnus's hand.

"What should we do?" Magnus asked holding Alec's hand. "Should we order a cake?"

"Let's celebrate when I go home? I had so many plans for our anniversary but that crazy bastard ruined everything...I want to go home Mags..." Alec whined.

"Alexander...we can go home in a few days... and when I talked with the doctor he said that you can go home in 2 days." Magnus said smiling.

Alec nodded. He touched his ring and looked at Magnus "I can't believe that I'll be yours forever"

Magnus smiled and kissed Alec on the forehead "I can't believe I'll be yours forever too...I love you Alexander Lightwood"

Alec looked deep into Magnus's eyes and touched his cheek "I love you too...more than you can ever imagine"

Alec and Magnus were sitting side by side on Alec's bed. Magnus touched Alec's hand which was placed on his cheek and slowly turned towards Alec and crawled onto to his lap to put his legs on either sides. Now they were facing each other, Magnus traced his fingers on Alec's eyebrows moving to his eyes, his nose and finally to his lips. He stared at Alec's lips for a few seconds before he pulled Alec into a kiss. Alec's hands roamed around Magnus's hair. Magnus tightly gripped Alec's nape pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

After few minutes into the kiss Magnus pushed Alec pinning him down to his bed and worked his way through Alec's neck while his hands slowly unbuttoned Alec's hospital gown and continued down to kiss his bare chest. Alec moaned in pleasure and slid his hands under Magnus's shirt touching his delicate abs. Alec's cold hands made Magnus shiver in pleasure.

Suddenly Jace entered the room making Magnus quickly roll over to the side.

"Damn it guys get a room" Jace said covering his eyes and turning his back towards the couple.

"This is our room idiot" Alec said rolling his eyes.

"You can turn Jace...there's nothing happening here" Magnus said slightly laughing.

"I know I should have knocked...but I thought you guys were asleep." Jace said bringing 2 boxes of pizza.

"You read my mind brother...I was craving pizza" Alec said grinning.

Magnus looked at Alec annoyed. "Alexander seriously? You should have told me that you were craving pizza..."

"I wasn't craving pizza when you asked so..." he said with a grin "and you asked me if we should order a cake not pizza..."

Magnus rolled his eyes "But still you should have told me..."

"GUYS" Jace said having enough of their silly argument "can y'all argue after we eat pizza please...I'm hungry"

"I want 3 pieces" Alec said.

"Here you go my lovely fiancé" Magnus said bringing him a piece.

"Thank you my handsome fiancé" Alec replied with a smile and pulled Magnus into a kiss.

"So cringe...sooo cringe...can you guys just pause at least when I'm here?" Jace said scratching his head but the two didn't budge and kept on making out "May be I should leave with the pizzas" he said and stood up to leave.

"Wait brother...we were just teasing you" Alec laughed.

All three of them laughed and enjoyed the pizza.

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