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“Magnus doesn’t have lectures today…but he’ll come to pick me up” Alec said.

“Okay cool, here’s the thing,” Josh paused and took a deep breath. “Since we will be finishing Masters in another 8 months or so…I want to propose to Aiden…” 

“Wow dude! Seriously? Man that’s great” Alec said surprised.

“Shh…shh…” Josh said silencing Alec “I want it to be a surprise, I need your help to arrange it”

“Sure Josh, Magnus and I will love to help you” Alec said smiling. 

“Thank you so much Alec, we’ll meetup and talk about it soon okay?” Josh said.

“Yes, let’s do that” Alec said and checked his phone. It was a message from Magnus. “Josh, Mags is here, so I’ll have to leave now…text me the place and time okay?” Alec said and ran to the parking lot.

“Hey baby” Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek as he got into the car.

“Hey…how was your day?” Magnus asked.

“Pretty okay…” Alec said smiling “Oh and I have news…”

Alec then explained about the favor which Josh asked from both of them, Magnus agreed and he was so happy for both of them.

“I’m so happy for them” Magnus said smiling.

“Yeah me too” Alec replied. “Mags are we going to see Madzie today?”

“Yes…I miss her” Magnus said.

“Me too…I haven’t seen her in two months…” Alec said.

Madzie was now almost 4 months old. Alec and Magnus came at least 3 or 4 times per week to play with Madzie, but they have been busy with all the work and couldn’t see her for a long time. 

“Hey Cat” Magnus said hugging Catarina when they came to their place. “Where’s my little sweat pea?” Magnus asked walking to her room. 

“Hey Cat, how’s everything?” Alec asked hugging her while Magnus was holding and swirling with Madzie.

“Pretty busy with Madzie” she said smiling “Magnus really loves kids, doesn’t he?” Catarina asked.

“Yeah he does…” Alec said smiling. He sat with Catarina watching Magnus and Madzie playing. He couldn’t take his eyes off Magnus. He just kept staring at his handsome boyfriend. 

Alec stood up and went to play with Madzie and Magnus. They spent the rest of their day playing and feeding Madzie. 

As soon as they came home, Alec removed his t-shirt and pinned Magnus to the wall. He started to kiss Magnus hungrily “I missed your lips so much” he said nibbling on Magnus lower lips. Magnus parted his lips and Alec deepened the kiss. Magnus’s hand was tracing Alec’s abs and the other hand was around Alec’s waist pulling him closer. 

Magnus suddenly broke off the kiss. Alec looked at him confused.

“I think I should get back home Alexander; I have some reports to complete…” Magnus said pulling back.

“But I miss you” Alec started to whine.

Magnus kissed him on the cheek. “Let’s go on a date when we are free okay?” 

Alec sighed, “okay, fine.” 

“I love you” Magnus said getting into his car.

“I love you too” Alec replied as he waved Magnus goodbye. 

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