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It was Magnus’s final day at the office. His colleagues gave him cards and presents and bid him good bye. Magnus was happy to see how much they loved him.

Alec walked to him “Thank you for your hard work Magnus” he said and gave him a small handmade card. “Aww this is so cute…thank you Alexander!” Magnus said.

Alec bent down and whispered in Magnus’s ear “See you at dinner”. Magnus felt his skin tingle. He shivered. Wow Alec was so close to me he thought.

Then they stared into each other’s eyes for few seconds forgetting that everyone in the office were staring at them. Suddenly coming back to their senses, Alec smiled and walked back to his desk. Others also started to hug and thank Magnus. Alec was sitting at his desk and was watching Magnus smiling…he was happy to see Magnus’s smile.

“Something going on between you two?” Meliorn asked showing out of no where.

“What?” Alec blushed 
“You like him don’t you?” Meliorn teased him “I know you Alec…I see it in your eyes”

Alec was blushing “I don’t know man…what this feeling is” he said.

“You should tell him” Meliorn said.

“What? Have you gone nuts? I can’t…he has a girlfriend” Alec said and felt really heavy in his heart.

He just realized that he liked Magnus but couldn’t have him.

“Let’s see how it ends” Meliorn winked
“Nothing will happen and I won’t be meeting him after today” Alec sighed
“You never know” Meliorn said patting Alec’s shoulder and walked away.
Alec was lost in thought. 

“Alexander I will see you at dinner” Magnus said and waved him goodbye. 
Magnus was super excited. Finally that day he has been waiting for has arrived. A peaceful time to talk with Alec. He quickly got ready and went to the location that Alec sent. 

Alec was nervous but happy to spend some time with Magnus for one last time. He was still struggling to understand what exactly he was feeling for Magnus.

When Magnus arrived at the restaurant Alec froze. He has not seen Magnus in a glittery outfit after the wedding. He was lost for words and was just staring at Magnus.

“Hi Alexander…”Magnus said. Alec was still staring at Magnus.

“Something wrong? Do I look weird with the eyeliner?” Magnus asked
“No…No absolutely not…I mean… you look gorgeous!” Alec blurted out. Saying that he covered his mouth in embarrassment.  

“Thank you Alexander” Magnus said realizing that Alec was nervous.
They went inside and ordered, until the food arrived Magnus wanted to talk with Alec.

“So Alexander, do you think the new part of Dumort will look good?” Magnus asked.
“Of course, it was us who designed it” Alec said winking. “I’ll tell you when they finish the construction…we can go visit the place.”

Magnus smiled and nodded.
“So Magnus what will you be doing after you leave the company?” Alec asked.

“I have to do my masters and then help my father with his work” he said 
“That’s nice…so what does your father do?” Alec asked.

“He’s also an interior designer and an architect” Magnus replied.
“Ah…now I know” Alec smiled.
“Know what Alexander?” Magnus asked staring at Alec. He suddenly looked tensed. 

“How you became such a talented interior designer” Alec said smiling. Magnus smiled back relaxing in his chair. 

When the food arrived they enjoyed the dinner…they took some photos and they were having fun.

Alec was so nervous now…he really wanted to ask Magnus about his relationship with the blonde girl. 
It’s today or never Alec, he thought…Let’s do this.

“Magnus…” Alec said

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