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Alec was still looking at his phone when Magnus entered. There were two guards in black suits next to him.

“Oh my God! How is this possible?” Nora gasped. 

Alec was right next to her but he was still worried about Magnus so he was lost in thought looking at the phone. 

“Alec…Alec…” Nora was hitting him on the shoulder pointing at Magnus who was greeting the board members at the entrance.

“WHAT?” Alec asked annoyed. And he notice what Nora was pointing at. It was Magnus. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Magnus was wearing a suit. A white shirt, a dark blue tie, a navy blue waistcoat and a jacket and trousers of the same colour. Alec’s mouth fell open. He suddenly felt dizzy realizing that Magnus was their new Director. 

He quickly held Nora’s shoulder as he felt like his head was spinning.

“Alec are you okay?” Nora and Aline asked.

“I…uh…yeah” he said making himself steady again.

“Alec did you know? That Magnus was our new director?” Aline asked.

“No…I didn’t” Alec was still lost in thought looking at Magnus.

Was this what he was going to tell me? He was our CEO’s son? Why didn’t he tell this before? Alec thought. 

Alec, Aline, Nora and Meliorn were completely shocked. They didn’t know what was happening.

Magnus walked towards them with the whole board of directors. 

Alec and Magnus eyes met each other but Alec quickly looked away. He saw that Magnus's eyes were pleading for forgiveness for not telling him beforehand. But he just couldn’t look at Magnus straight in the eyes. 

“Everyone from the department of Architecture and interior designing, meet your new director, Magnus Bane, son of our CEO Asmodeus Bane.” The board member next to Magnus introduced him. “I believe that team 02 already knows him” he said looking at Meliorn, Alec and the others in their team.

Everyone smiled and shook hands with him except for Alec. Alec had disappeared. Magnus’s eyes wondered everywhere to find him but he couldn’t. He had to leave with the other board members to attend the special meeting. His eyes were getting teary but he was fighting back his tears. 

Alec was at his desk, just staring at the empty screen. The others came in after few minutes and gathered around Alec.

“Hey…are you okay?” Meliorn asked.

Alec didn’t reply. He was too disturbed not by the fact that Magnus was their new Director but because Magnus never mentioned that his father owned the company he worked in.

“Alec…Magnus must have had a reason to not tell you about this…” Meliorn tried to comfort him.

“Yes Alec…we all know how Magnus is…he must have really wanted to tell you…but maybe there was a reason he couldn’t…” Nora said.

Alec nodded but was still silent.

Aldertree came in “Guys I know this must have been a great shock for you guys…I’m sorry I was on direct orders. So I couldn’t tell you who he was…” he said.

“You knew?” Alec suddenly asked in a bit of an angry tone.

“I’m sorry Alec…I only got to know recently…” Aldertree said.

Even Aldertree knew. How could he not tell me? I’m his boyfriend…or is he not considering me as his boyfriend? Alec thought, his anxiety was building up inside him. 

An hour and half later Magnus entered with Asmodeus.

Alec didn’t look at him. He just stared at an open file.

Magnus knew that Alec was in anger and he knew that he was wrong not to tell him. 

“Hello everyone! Meet my son Magnus Bane, your new Director and the future heir to this whole company.”

Magnus was feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. He just smiled.

“Magnus, talk to them now…I’ll leave you to do your job.” Asmodeus said and left.

Magnus didn’t know what to say or do. He noticed that Alec was not looking at him but the others were staring at him.

He stood there for a few seconds thinking what he should say.

“Hello everyone, I know I’ve been hiding my identity, I’m really sorry for not telling you who I was, You don’t have to have any formalities with me…I want everyone in this department to consider me as a normal employee and please treat me the same way like before…I would never want any special treatments. I hope we can work together and get along…” he said.

Everyone applauded and congratulated Magnus.  

Alec finally stood up from his seat because he didn’t want anyone else to see him being all paranoid and went to congratulate him. 

“Congratulations Mr. Magnus Bane. I hope we get along” Alec said in a very plain voice still not making eye contact.

Alec shook hands and tried to leave but Magnus didn’t let go of his hand. Magnus was looking at Alec with pleading eyes.

Please Alexander look at me….look at me. You promised Alexander please… Please forgive me. Magnus thought still holding Alec’s hand.

Alec didn’t understand what he was feeling. He loved Magnus. He wanted to listen to his explanation. He took a deep breath and finally looked at Magnus. 

This is my first ever fanfiction and first ever anything that I'm writing.
Thank you for reading my story guys

What do you think will happen between Magnus and Alec?

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