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They waited to finally see the baby girl.

Once they were allowed inside, Izzy was the first one to hold the baby. 

“Gorgeous! She looks a lot like you Cat” she said and lightly kissed the baby. 

“Did you think of a name?” Simon asked holding the baby’s hand.

“Yes…” Cat said looking at Raphael. “Madzie Santiago” they said together.

“That’s a beautiful name…” Magnus said taking the baby from Izzy’s hands. When he took the baby, he felt so happy. He didn’t have words to explain that happiness he felt. 

“Alexander…do you want to hold her?” Magnus asked.

“I…uh…yes” Alec finally said and took the baby in his hands. He teared up the instant he saw the baby. “She’s beautiful” he said.

“You guys were here for a long time…it’s almost 10…you should go home” Raphael said. “Thank you so much for coming guys…”

“We’ll visit again when she comes home” Magnus said.

All four of them left the hospital.

“Magnus it’s pretty late you should get home now” Alec said when they came back.

“yeah…I should probably get back now” Magnus said hugging Alec. “I’ll see you at work”

“I love you…” Alec said kissing Magnus on the cheek.


Magnus was in his office room earlier than usual on Monday, he sent Alec a message asking him to come to his room. 

“Good morning baby” Alec said entering the room.

Magnus was near his desk, he took 3 long strides towards Alec and jumped to hug him. “I missed you so much” he whispered. 

“I missed you too baby” Alec said hugging him tightly.

“What’s your schedule for today? Will you be free to have lunch?” Magnus asked.

“I have to check on the project with Andrew and then I have to visit a site, then it’ll be around 1 when I get back…” he said counting his fingers and thinking, “so yeah…most probably I’ll make it to lunch” he said giving a soft kiss on Magnus’s lips. 

“Hmm…then meet me at 1 okay?” Magnus said, “By the way you are spending a lot of time with your handsome friend these days…” 

“Which handsome friend?” Alec asked.

“The one in your new department…” Magnus said playing with Alec’s hair. 

“Andrew?” Alec asked.

“You think he’s handsome?” Magnus asked pulling back and looking at Alec.

Alec raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, Andrew Underhill” Magnus said and went back to hug Alec. 

Alec laughed. “He’s a part of my team…so…yeah I do spend a lot of time with him…”

“Does he know that you have a handsome boyfriend?” Magnus asked stroking Alec’s cheek.

“Maybe he does” Alec said “Or maybe he doesn’t…” Alec said smiling.

“Okay…” Magnus pulled back sighing.

“He just a friend baby…” Alec laughed and pulled Magnus back closer and kissed him deeply.

After few seconds Magnus pulled back and said “Okay…I just asked…” 

“I should get back to work baby” Alec said.

“Okay…see you at lunch” Magnus said and waved Alec goodbye.

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