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Magnus and Izzy arrived at the police station. They were waiting for good news.

"Simon anything?" Izzy asked.

"Good news, we were able to find the place, the team will be dispatched soon...y'all should stay at home...I will call you okay..." Simon said.

"No I can't I'm coming with you guys" Magnus said.

"Magnus no it's dangerous" Simon said "Izz take him home..." he said and left in a hurry.

Magnus didn't want to listen to them, so he secretly sneaked out of the house and followed the police vehicles.

Magnus stopped his car away from the police cars and went around the place.

The police cars were stopped few meters away from the place.

It was a dark place. There were a lot of trees and the place was very secluded from the city. it was like a small abandoned garage. The police officers were closing in from three sides of the building.

Magnus slowly went from behind without being noticed.


Asmodeus came to the location which he found, it was an abandoned garage, there was no one around and the backup he asked for was late. He couldn't waste any more time so he decided to go inside. He took out his gun and slowly sneaked inside the garage.

Right then he heard the noise of some vehicle so he hid quickly.


As the police entered, one officer saw a man moving to a room. He signaled to the others and walked towards the room with his gun pointed. He opened the door and shouted "NYPD do not move"

It was Asmodeus, he couldn't believe that it was the NYPD. He put his gun down and put his hands up in surrender.

Magnus was behind the police officers and he saw his father from a distance, he quickly came running inside "Dad?"

The police officer asked from Magnus "What are you doing here Mr. Bane"

"I'm sorry I know it's wrong but I followed you here" Magnus said.

"Do you know this man?" the officer asked still his gun pointed at Asmodeus.

"Yes, he's my dad" Magnus said in anger.

"Son don't get me wrong; I was only trying to help...please believe me I don't have anything to do with this" Asmodeus said.

"How am I supposed to trust you?" Magnus said he was calmer.

"Officer, look..." he said pointing at the blood on the floor "Alec was here, but they moved him...I'm sure he was here...I need to find him...please let me go" Asmodeus said.

"I'm sorry but I will have to keep you remanded" the officer said and dragged him to the police car.

Magnus was devastated, he didn't know what to do.

Simon came running to him "Magnus what are you doing here?"

Magnus didn't answer, he walked inside the room and stared at the blood. "My Alexander was here? Now where is am I supposed to find him?" Magnus started to cry.

Luke came inside to examine the place and to look for any traces about Alec.

"Magnus I promise you, we will find him" Simon said.

Magnus phone rang, it was from an unknown number and he answered.

"Hello, who is this?" Magnus asked.

"What?" Magnus asked and signaled Simon to say that it was the kidnappers.

Simon signaled him to put it on speaker so he and Luke could listen, then he signaled everyone to remain silent.

"You are in the wrong place...if you want your boyfriend back, you need to come to the location that I've already sent..." the voice said.

"Okay...okay we'll come" Magnus said.

"We? There's no we...only you...come alone...if I see anyone else, you will not see your boyfriend alive..." he said.

"I'll come alone...please don't hurt Alexander" Magnus said sobbing.

Simon signaled Magnus to ask for proof that Alec was with them. Magnus nodded.

"I need proof...I need to know that Alexander is with you" Magnus said.

Magnus got a message.

"I sent you a photo" the voice said.

Magnus's heart broke into pieces seeing the photo.

"Oh my God!! What have you done to him" Magnus said crying.

"If you don't want any more damage...come here in an hour" the voice said and the call disconnected.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now