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Magnus was still staring at Alec, crying silently.

"Magnus, hey..." Alec tried to reach Magnus's face but withdrew his hand in pain. It was painful for him to lift his arm.

"Alexander don't move...let me help you up" Magnus said wiping his tears.

"Thank you Mags" Alec smiled.

"I'm sorry Alexander, you had to go through all this because of me...I am so sorry" Magnus said holding Alec's hand in his.

"Hey, it's okay...I'm fine..." Alec said.

"How can you be fine, you have a broken leg and look at these scratches and wounds all over your body" Magnus said touching Alec's body.

Alec twitched in pain at the touch, Magnus quickly took his hand away.

"I'm sorry, does it hurt everywhere?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah...a little, but I'm seriously okay" Alec said smiling.

"What did they do to you Alexander?" Magnus asked taking Alec's hand to his face and looking Alec in the eyes with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You don't have to worry about it right now okay?" Alec said "How's Mr. Bane?"

Magnus exhaled, "I don't know" he said and explained what the doctor said.

Alec was speechless.

"Alexander, I don't understand why he jumped in front of me, why would he risk his life for me?" Magnus asked.

"Mags, he loves you so much, I know that because I talked with him" Alec said

"How long were you planning to hide that you met with my father?" Magnus asked.

"I was going to tell you that night...the good news" Alec said.

"What good news?" Magnus asked confused.

"Mags, that day I went to see your father before I went home, actually he invited me...and he gave us permission date" Alec said smiling.

"He did what?" Magnus asked surprised.

Then Alec explained to him about the past few weeks, how he tried to convince Asmodeus and how he finally gave him the chance and then gave permission to date.

Magnus felt his heart twitch in pain "what did I do? My god I didn't know and I blamed him thinking that he kidnapped you...Alexander what should I do...will I never get to tell him that I'm sorry" Magnus started to cry.

"Mags...he will be okay...don't worry okay" Alec said "come here" he said opening his arms with effort. Magnus came closer and rested his head on Alec's chest without hurting him. Alec stroke Magnus's head to comfort him. They cuddled until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Alec said.

"Magnus, your father was transferred to a room but he is still unconscious" Izzy said walking in.

"Can I go and see him?" Magnus asked.

"I don't think we can, but let me ask from a nurse" Izzy said and walked out of the room.

She walked in after a few minutes "Magnus, they said that they will allow you to see him"

Magnus felt relieved. He looked at his boyfriend and Alec nodded. Magnus placed a soft kiss on Alec's forehead touching his cheek "I'll come back quickly"

"Take your time" Alec said. Magnus nodded and headed out of the room.


Magnus entered the room, his father was connected to a few machines and was wearing an oxygen mask. He slowly walked in closing the door and sat next to his bed.

"Dad" he said taking Asmodeus's hand in his.

"Dad, please wake up, I have a lot to tell you...I want to tell you that I was wrong about I'm so sorry" Magnus said kissing his hand. "Please wake up, Alec told me that you gave us your permission, dad you need to tell me too, you need to give us your blessing...please wake up." Tears were rolling down his cheek.

Then the nurse entered the room and asked him to leave saying that his time was up.

Magnus placed a kiss on his father's hand and left the room.

"When can I see him again?" Magnus asked from the nurse.

"After the treatments" she said and closed the door behind her. He nodded and returned to Alec's room

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