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Magnus continued with his story, 
“After my Mom passed away…my father was completely out of control…he became a drunkard…he had his work on hold…his partners were complaining…I was small Alexander…I was only 13… I didn’t know what to do…My father, he didn’t treat me the same as before…I felt like a stranger in my own home…I tried my best not to come home…” Magnus paused and sighed “and…as a result I joined a gang…those guys were bullies…not normal bullies…they were really bad ones…they didn’t just bully people…they stole, they did drugs and they even got caught while trying to murder a woman…” Magnus was in pain remembering his past. 

Alec’s eyes widened “What?” he asked shocked.

“Yes Alexander, I was like them…but I was small…I had no idea what they did…I was used by them when they needed to steal something or to go and buy them drugs…and I got money for doing that…And years passed and I knew I was getting worse I felt it deep inside but I couldn’t control myself…I didn’t have the strength to get out of it” Magnus had tears in his eyes. 

Alec was still listening, holding Magnus’s hand. 

“And then Camille appeared, one day she was being bullied by them and I couldn’t stand it…how they treated a little girl…I jumped in the middle and saved her…and from that day on Camille became my best friend and she helped me get over all my fears and made me study and get into college” Magnus said.

“Her parents understood my situation…talked to my father and sent my abroad for 2 years…I came back and got into college for interior designing while I helped my father with his company work I learnt everything about interior designing…then he wanted to send me to NYU…so I applied and now here I am…” Magnus said and looked at Alec.

“Alexander, I understand if you want to leave me now after hearing this” Magnus said.

Alec was fighting off his tears. He brushed his finger on Magnus’s cheek. “Magnus Bane, how did you become this amazing man after going through so much? I like you for who you are Magnus…I won’t leave you…never in this life” Alec said and hugged him.

Magnus pulled backed and looked into Alec’s eyes.  Alec wiped the tears off Magnus’s face and touched his cheek. 
“You don’t ever have to worry Magnus…The past is the past...I will never judge you for who you were…”Alec said.

“Thank you for understanding me Alexander” Magnus said and pulled him closer. 

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