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Two days have passed after Asmodeus regained consciousness but he was not allowed to talk too much so he was not allowed to have any visitors. Magnus was the only person who was allowed to see him, however Magnus was busy at work. Asmodeus not being at the office, it was chaotic. Magnus had to take the lead and take care of everything.

Alec was recovering faster than expected, he had to go to physio therapy sessions 3 times a day. Izzy and Simon checked on him from time to time. Hayley also visited a few times to check up on Alec.


"Hello Luke" Magnus answered "yes, you will be able to come and get his statement"

After few hours Luke arrived at the hospital and talked to Asmodeus. He was the only person allowed to enter. Magnus waited outside for Luke to return.

"Magnus, I'll get going now..." Luke said as he came out.

"Will you be able to find him soon?" Magnus asked.

"We are trying our best" Luke said and patted on Magnus's shoulder.

Magnus nodded but he felt nervous.

He knew that the NYPD was busy looking for Tyler but there was no sign of him. The airports blocked him from leaving the country and he was still on the run.


"Hey baby" Magnus kissed Alec on the cheek as soon as he returned from work.

"Hmm" Alec sighed.

"What is it Alexander?" Magnus asked.

"When can I go home? I can't stay at the hospital anymore..." he said with a grumpy face.

"Baby, you need to stay here for a few more haven't fully recovered" Magnus said stroking Alec's head.

"I have so many reports to write too...and our Anniversary is around the corner...I have so many things to prepare...I have to..." Alec couldn't complete his sentence. Magnus locked their lips together, making Alec melt into the kiss.

"You don't have to worry about them...I'll take care of it okay?" he said pulling back from the kiss "concentrate on getting better okay?" Magnus said stroking Alec's cheek.

"Okay fine" Alec sighed.

"Jace called me" Magnus said.

"What did he say?" Alec asked.

"He is coming here tomorrow..." Magnus said. "better be prepared to answer all his questions..."

"Great..." Alec sighed.


The next day was free for Magnus, so he stayed with Alec and helped him during his morning therapy session.

"Mags, your phone is ringing" Alec said while Magnus was in the shower.

"Answer the call baby" Magnus said half opening the door.

"It's from Hayley..." Alec said and answered the call "Hayley it's me Alec...Magnus is in the shower"

"What? What do you mean the investors are withdrawing?" Alec asked shocked. "Give me a minute, I'll tell Mags to call you back"

Alec kept the phone and said "'s an emergency, come out quickly"

"What is it Alexander?" Magnus asked walking out of the shower while drying his hair.

"Baby, Hayley called and said that some of the investors are going to withdraw their investments" Alec said.

"WHAT? What do you mean withdraw? They can't do that..." Magnus said and quickly called Hayley.

"Hayley, what do you mean? No they can't do that...they have already signed the contracts..." Magnus said

"How did they know about dad? That's not possible...okay call a meeting right now, I'll come and talk to them" Magnus said and kept the phone.

"Alexander this is bad...I don't know what I'm supposed to do" Magnus said panicking.

"Hey baby...calm down...come here" Alec said holding Magnus's hand. Magnus came and sat next to Alec on his bed.

"Don't worry okay? You've got can talk to the investors and explain the situation..." Alec said hugging Magnus.

"But Alexander, dad is not there and what if they don't want to work with us anymore? I don't understand how they got to know about this whole thing..." Magnus said. "I don't know if I can handle this alone..."

"Magnus are the son of Asmodeus Bane, if anyone can convince the investors, it will only be you...they will trust you...and I trust you got this okay?" Alec said comforting Magnus. "and baby if there's anything...I'll always be there to help you"

Magnus nodded.

"Now you better get going...Hayley will be waiting for you" Alec said kissing Magnus's cheek.

"I'll ask Izzy to check on you..." Magnus said.

"I'll be fine go save the investments" Alec said smiling.

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