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“Hello, Lightwood residence” he answered.

“Hello, I saw your advertisement about a room for rent” a familiar voice spoke.

“Magnus?” Alec was surprised “Magnus is that you?” he asked.

“Hi Alexander, how are you?” Magnus asked.

“I’m fine…but why are you looking for a room?” Alec was confused.

“The contract on my apartment was just for 8 months and now I’m looking for a place to stay” he said.

“Wow, I never thought I’d hear your voice again” Alec suddenly blurted out.

“Why Alexander…you are free to call me anytime…” Magnus said.

“I know but still I didn’t want to become a nuisance to you” Alec said.

“You are never a nuisance to me Alexander…So Alexander can I rent the room?” Magnus asked.

There was a long pause. 

So many things were working inside Alec’s head. He couldn’t believe his ears. How in the world did this happen? He thought. If I rent the room I will be living with Magnus Bane, IN THE SAME HOUSE. He was still processing everything. I can’t do this…No I can’t. How am I supposed to stay with Magnus? But I want to stay with him. What should I do? Alec was still thinking. 

“Alexander?” Magnus said.

“Yes Magnus” Alec suddenly said. It took him few seconds to realize what he just did.

“Okay great then I’ll move in next…” Magnus was cut off mid-sentence.
“No Magnus I meant…No…you can’t…I need to think about it” Alec said.

“What? Why?” Magnus’s voice changed.

“I just…I just…” Alec was stammering.

“Don’t worry Alexander I will give you your privacy…I won’t be disturbing you. I can cook my own meals or if you want I can cook for you. And Alexander I’m a very neat and clean person. You don’t have to worry” Magnus said.

Alec didn’t know what to say. He wanted to rent the room to Magnus. His heart said that he needed Magnus to be close to him but his brain worked otherwise.

“But Magnus…” Alec said “I wanted a house mate who goes to the same university as me”.

“Alexander who said anything about not going to university…” Magnus said “I’ll be starting my masters at New York University on 27th”.

“You are doing what?” Alec was shocked once more.

“Alexander” Magnus laughed “I’ll be starting my Masters at New York University on the 27th” Magnus repeated.

Alec was speechless. Completely out of words.

“So Alexander Lightwood I’ll be renting your room. I’ll talk about the details with your brother. The advertisement had both your numbers but I chose to call your landline hoping you would answer” Magnus said.

“Magnus but…”Alec said.

“No buts Alexander…see you soon” Magnus said and kept the phone.

Alec couldn’t believe what was about to happen. He just sat there near the kitchen counter and stared into thin air.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now