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Alec was so confused, he looked at Magnus who was shocked more than him.

"What is it baby?" Alec asked.

"Alexander, I need to go to the police station right now, I'll explain everything when I come back okay?" Magnus said.

Alec knew that even if he tried to he won't be able to get any answer from Magnus about what was going on, so he just nodded.

"I'll call Izzy and tell her to come as soon as possible...don't do anything on your own till she comes okay?" Magnus said. He kissed Alec on the forehead and rushed out of the room.


Magnus walked into the police station and met Luke.

"Magnus we've got a problem..." Luke said, and he looked frustrated.

"Simon called me...what do you mean another man was arrested?" Magnus asked.

"2 hours ago a tattooed man, the man from the CCTV footage, came to the police station..." Luke sighed "and...he turned himself in as the kidnapper..."

"What do you mean? Tyler was the kidnapper. He was the f*cking mastermind behind everything" Magnus shouted.

"Magnus calm down...we need to find him as soon as possible, and we need your help to track the places he would go" Luke said.

Magnus nodded.

"And we need to get a statement from you, Alec and your father" Luke said. "Let's go to the hospital after the discussion"

"Okay, now what do you need me to do?" Magnus asked following Luke to an interrogation room.

"Now Magnus, you need to tell us everything you know about your step brother" Luke said.


After the interrogation was over Magnus and Luke went to the hospital to take a statement from Alec.

"Hey are back" Alec said smiling as he saw Magnus walk in. "Luke you are here too?"

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Luke asked sitting next to Alec's bed.

"Not so good...but I'm okay" Alec smiled.

"Alec we need to get a statement from you, can you tell us everything that happened?"

Alec nodded and he explained how he was kidnapped and how they locked him up and hit him. Alec gave all the details about the 3 men and about what Tyler had told him.

Listening to it Magnus felt dizzy, realizing the amount of pain that Alec went through because of him made him feel miserable. His eyes were filled with tears. Alec understanding that Magnus was silently crying reached out to hold his hand and stroke it with his thumb.

"Thank you for your statement you remember anything more about Tyler, so we could track him down?"

"What do you mean track him down? You haven't arrested him yet?" Alec asked shocked.

"Alec, I'll explain everything later..." Magnus said putting his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Tyler did talk about some friend of his...but it was not very clear...Johny or someone...I can't remember the name..." Alec said scratching his head trying to remember. "Something about helping him or something..."

"Okay Alec thank you... we will look into you should get some rest" Luke said "I'll come back when Mr. Bane wakes up" Luke said looking at Magnus.

Magnus nodded.

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