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Sunday night, Alec had his sister and Simon come home, they were having a movie night.

“Hey Magnus won’t you join us?” Izzy asked when Magnus walked into the kitchen. 

Magnus looked at Alec. Alec didn’t say a word, he just stared directly at the TV with an expressionless face.

Magnus understood that Alec didn’t want him there so he said “I’m fine Izzy, I have some reports to finish” Magnus smiled and went to his room.

Izzy was puzzled. She felt a weird awkwardness between Alec and Magnus.

“Alec did you two fight?” Izzy asked “No” Alec replied in a rather rough voice and stared at the TV.

Even though there was a movie playing on the TV, Alec was not watching it. He was in deep thought. Thinking about Magnus. Even though he was angry at Magnus, he still had feelings for him. Deep down he was in pain for making Magnus suffer with all the rude looks and words.

Tears filled his eyes when he thought about how he had treated Magnus for the past few days. But his anger hasn’t subsided yet. He wanted tear the whole house apart. But he stayed in control, he didn’t want to be his old self which he detained for a long time.

Alec stood up “Izzy I’m going to bed…You and Si finish watching the movie” 
“But this is the best part dude…”Simon said “You should...”.

Izzy silenced him. “Don’t…just let him go…he needs space…” Izzy told Simon in a low voice. Izzy knew that something was wrong, she always understood her brother.

Alec went to his room and sat on his bed. He looked at the photos he and Magnus took at their first dinner together. He remembered all the memories they had few days ago. He didn’t want to let go of Magnus. While zooming in on Magnus’s photos he fell asleep.

Meanwhile Magnus was in his room still crying thinking about how Alec treated him for the past few days. He wanted to talk to someone so he called Camille. 

“Hey Mags what’s up?” Camille casually asked.

 Magnus burst out in tears.

“Mags? Are you okay? Hey… talk to me…should I come to your place?” Camille asked worried. 

“No… Camii…I just needed someone to talk to…” Magnus said still crying.
“I’m listening Mags… you can talk to me…” she said.

“Cami…I don’t think I can take it anymore…Alexander is not even looking at me… I don’t know what to do…This has been going on for days now” Magnus said.

“Hey…hey... didn’t you try talking to him?” Camille asked.

“I did…I did Cami…but he is not listening to a word I say…What I should do…I can’t stay here anymore…should I move to my old place? I came here for Alexander…” Magnus said still crying. 
“Listen Mags…if you want to move out…just do it…but don’t do it if you will regret that decision…Mags I know you… I know how much you like Alec…Mags shall I talk to him?” Camille asked.

“No Camille…don’t…don’t…” Magnus said “I’ll try again…I’ll give him some more time…I don’t want to let him go…”

“Yeah…you said that he didn’t want to give into relationships…but then he said that he had feelings for you…so Mags…he must really like you…” Camille said

There was a minute of silence.

“Mags you should sleep now…It’s almost midnight…I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Camille said.

“Okay see you tomorrow…” Magnus said and he went to sleep.

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