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Alec reached for his phone. 12 missed calls and about 20 messages.

“Oh no…I think I have got many people worried” Alec said looking at his phone. “2 missed calls from Raph, 3 from Josh, and 7 missed call from an unknown number” he said.

Then he checked the messages. “Oh it’s Camille…she must be worried…” Alec said.

“Camille? Why?” Magnus asked confused.

“Camille called your phone…I answered it and told her that you were nowhere to be found…” Alec said.

“What?” Magnus asked.

“Sorry Magnus I was really worried…I didn’t know what to do…” Alec said in a low voice.

“That’s okay Alexander…” Magnus said and touched his shoulder “can you lend me your phone so I can tell her that I’m okay?” Magnus asked.

Alec nodded and gave his phone.

“Hello Camii…it’s me…okay…okay…I’m sorry…what?” Magnus looked at Alec.
Alec was confused.

“Okay we’ll come” Magnus said and kept the phone.

“Why? What happened?” Alec asked.

“Cami is at your place” Magnus said.

“Oh…we should quickly get back then…” Alec said and got into the car.

When they got home, they saw Camille sitting at the front door till they came.
“Hey…” Magnus said.

Camille quickly stood up and hugged Magnus “Where the hell did you disappear you freaking idiot? You got me worried sick” Camille said.

“I’m sorry Cami…I wanted to clear my thoughts…” Magnus said. “Camille…I need you to meet Alexander Lightwood” Magnus introduced Alec.

Alec was too embarrassed to look at Camille’s face. Camille noticed his nervousness and embarrassed face. 

“Thank you for finally making up with him” Camille said and hugged Alec.

“Magnus…Alec was really worried when you went missing…” Camille said turning towards Magnus.

Magnus smiled and said “Yeah… I know” and looked at Alec. 

Magnus went closer to Alec and held his hand. “We talked about everything…now the problems are solved…”

“So you guys are dating?” Camille asked.

“Uh...that we didn’t actually…” Magnus said.

“We are dating…” Alec said putting a hand over Magnus’s shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

Magnus looked at Alec in surprise trying to fight off his tears. 

“I’m so happy for you guys…”Camille said “then…I’ll leave you two to have some alone time and I’ll see you tomorrow at uni…” Camille said hugging both of them.

“Good night Camille…and thank you” Alec said while hugging her.
“Good night guys…” Camille said and waved them good bye.

Camille smiled and walked away.
Magnus and Alec came inside and locked the door.

“So we are really dating?” Magnus asked.

“Yes we are…” Alec said and gave a quick kiss on the lips.

Magnus was overjoyed. 

“You must be tired Magnus…I’ll quickly make something for dinner…you go wash up…” Alec said smiling.

“You sure you don’t need any help?” Magnus asked.

“Go wash up…” Alec said pushing him towards his room.

“Okay…I’ll quickly take a shower and come” Magnus said and left the kitchen. 

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