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Alec made dinner, had a shower and was waiting for Magnus to come for dinner. It’s been more than 45 minutes and Alec was getting worried. So he decided to go in and check.

Alec knocked on the door but there was no reply. Alec slowly entered the room and saw Magnus sleeping on the bed like a small baby.

Alec went closer and kneeled next to Magnus’s bed. He looked at Magnus. He felt his heart beating so fast. He moved the hair which was covering Magnus’s eyes. He couldn’t believe that he was dating such a handsome man. Alec traced his fingers on Magnus’s eyebrows and continued to his eyes, his nose, his cheeks and his lips. Alec stared at his lips and he couldn’t resist, so he bent over and placed a kiss on the lips. 

Then he felt Magnus’s hand in his hair pulling his closer. Magnus was awake.

Magnus changed his posture so he could hold onto Alec’s neck. He pulled Alec onto his bed and rolled Alec over.

Then he pinned Alec’s hands over his head and deepened the kiss. Alec felt a current going through his body, he has never felt this before. He felt a connection to Magnus that he never felt before. Magnus released Alec’s hands and pulled back kissing his cheek.
They stared into each other’s eyes.

Both Magnus and Alec couldn’t believe that they were finally dating. Magnus hugged him and they cuddled on bed for some time.

“Not hungry?” Alec asked in a whisper.

“Starving…” Magnus said.

“Let’s go and have dinner” Alec said and both of them left the room.

“Alexander, it tastes really good” Magnus said.

Alec smiled.

“Alexander, tomorrow…let’s go to Uni together?” Magnus asked.

“Definitely…” Alec said.

“I’ll do the dishes” Magnus said after they finished eating.

“I’ll help” Alec said. After they finished doing the dishes, they sat on the sofa. Both of them were tired. 

“We should probably sleep now…” Alec said.

“Yeah…yeah…we should” Magnus agreed.

But none of them stood up to go back into their rooms. Suddenly they felt a weird awkwardness.  

“Uh…I should go then…”Alec said after few minutes. But still he sat there next to Magnus.

“Yeah…” Magnus said.

“Uhmm…Magnus…I was thinking…uh…should we…uh…” Alec couldn’t say what he wanted to he was stuttering.
Magnus looked at Alec and understood what he wanted to say.
“Should we sleep in the same room?” Magnus asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah…yeah that…” Alec said blushing.
“Let’s wait till we go on our first date?” Magnus asked. 

“Sure…let’s so that” Alec agreed smiling.

“Okay let’s sleep now” Magnus said standing up. “Good night Alexander”.

Magnus said a turned to walk to his room.

“Magnus…” Alec held Magnus from his wrist. He stood up and turned to Magnus. “Good night…” he said and kissed Magnus on the forehead. 

Both Alec and Magnus retired to their rooms. 

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