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Next day he had lectures in the evening, so he had to go to work in the morning. He went downstairs hoping that Magnus hasn’t come out of his room yet.

But there he was making breakfast and he has already put some toast and a fried egg on Alec’s plate. 

Why does he make breakfast for me? Alec thought…he was too angry to look at Magnus’s face.

“You don’t have to make breakfast for me anymore” Alec said and stormed out of the house without looking at Magnus.

Magnus was devastated. He felt so much pain, he felt like his whole body was breaking into pieces. Alec didn’t greet me… he didn’t even look at me…Magnus thought. He just sat there all alone and had his breakfast. 

Magnus had to get ready for Uni the next day, so he went to buy all the needed material…he wanted to forget how Alec treated him in the morning. When he came home Alec was already there. And he had ordered food.

“I already had dinner” Alec said without looking at Magnus. “You can eat this if you want or else order something for yourself” Alec stood up and went upstairs.

Magnus knew that Alec was still furious. But he didn’t get the chance to explain. So Magnus went upstairs and knocked on Alec’s door. There was no answer. 

“Alexander…hey…can we talk?” he asked…no reply at all.

“Alexander listen…it’s not what you think…Camille is my friend…you don’t understand…you have got it all wrong…Alexander can we please talk?” Magnus asked…but Alec didn’t respond.

Magnus didn’t know what to do…he wanted to make things right but he didn’t know how. When Alec is not even looking at him or coming out of the room, what could he possibly do?
Magnus sighed and went back downstairs.

He saw the food on the table. At least Alexander was reminded of me when ordering dinner, he thought. He had dinner and went to bed early.

It was finally Magnus’s first day at New York University. It was one of his father’s dreams to send him there. 
When he came out of his room in the morning Alec has already left. He felt really sad for not being able to see Alec. 

 I’ll see him at Uni if I’m lucky…he thought and left. 

At Uni Magnus met Camille, she was in the same department as him. 

“Are you okay?” Camille asked.

Magnus nodded.

“Let’s go… the lecture starts in a bit” she said and walked with Magnus to the lecture hall.

On the way Magnus was looking around to see if he could spot Alec somewhere. But he was not able to find him. 

During lunch, he spotted Alec in the cafeteria. He walked towards Alec’s table but as soon as Alec saw Magnus walking towards him, Alec stood up and walked away.

This continued for almost 4 days. Alec completely ignored Magnus. And Magnus was in so much pain because he was not able to talk even a word with Alec.

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