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One week has already passed after Alec’s transfer to the other department. Alec spent almost the whole day with Underhill and worked on the project with him. They became good friends. He met Magnus during lunch breaks on somedays and every day after work for the past week. 

It was finally Saturday.

“Alexander let’s go on a date today?” Magnus asked when he came to Alec’s place.

“Yes! I waited for one whole week to spend time with you” Alec said hugging Magnus. “What should we do today?”

“Should we go to the beach?” Magnus asked.

“What about your father? He’ll know” Alec said worried.

“He can’t stop me from spending time with you Alexander, don’t worry” Magnus said.

“Okay” Alec grinned. “And then we can go to Simon’s gig with his band at Rousseau’s”

“Simon sings?” Magnus asked surprised.

“Yeah…he has a really good voice” Alec said. “Let’s go get ready”

Magnus nodded.


After spending their whole day together and having fun at Rousseau’s they came home.

“I don’t want you to leave” Alec said hugging Magnus.

“I’ll see you on Monday at work baby” Magnus said.

“Okay…” Alec sighed. “But wait a little longer…please…it’s still 6...” 

“Okay let’s cuddle up for a little longer” Magnus said hugging Alec tighter.

Alec kissed Magnus and worked his hands to touch Magnus’s delicate abs under his t-shirt. And then Alec heard his phone ringing. He pulled back “Wait…just give me a second…” 

Alec went and picked up his phone.

“Hello…what? But was not due till next week…Yeah Magnus is here with me…I’ll come right away…Do you need me to pick anything up? okay…okay I’ll be there” Alec said and kept his phone.

“What happened?” Magnus asked confused.

“It’s Cat, she’s in the hospital, her water broke” Alec said.

“Oh my God” Magnus jumped up and down in happiness “the baby is finally here” 

“Yes! We need to hurry up…will you be driving?” Alec asked.

“Okay…give me the keys” Magnus said.

They quickly drove to the hospital. Izzy and Simon were already at the hospital. Raphael was walking up and down the corridor. He was super nervous. 

“Hey Raph” Alec and Magnus came in and hugged him. 

“Any news?” Magnus asked.

“Not yet, she’s having contractions…she’s in so much pain” Raph said.

“Don’t worry she’ll be okay” Alec said patting his shoulder.

“Mr. Santiago, please come in, it’s time for the delivery…” a nurse said coming out from the theatre room. 

Raphael looked at the others and quickly ran inside the room.

About half an hour or 45 minutes later Raph came out.

Everyone was staring at Raph for good news. He took a deep breath and said, “it’s a girl” and broke into tears.

Magnus hugged him “Congratulations dad” 

Alec, Simon and Izzy congratulated Raphael. 

“I’m so happy…I’m finally an aunt” Izzy said. “Can we see both of them now?” she asked from the nurse.

“In a few hours…” she replied.

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