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“Mags…” Alec said pulling Magnus closer and putting his arm around Magnus's body. “It’s almost 3 months since you left…when will you come back?”

Magnus turned towards Alec and touched his face “As soon as I solve the problems with my dad…” he said smiling.

“When will that happen?” Alec asked.

“Soon” Magnus said. “He knows I come here anyway…he must be pretty annoyed…” 

“You shouldn’t annoy him Mags…It’ll be harder for me to convince him and get permission.” Alec said.

“Don’t worry baby…just don’t think about him…I’ll take care of him okay?” Magnus said.

“Okay” Alec said. “And Mags…Mom and Max will be visiting in two weeks or so…will you come and spend some time with them?” Alec asked.

“Oh my God! I’d love to” Magnus said excited.

Alec smiled and kissed him on the forehead.  


When Alec went back to work, he realized that Andrew was not talking to him and was ignoring him. He didn’t want their friendship to be awkward, mostly because now they worked together.

“Andrew can we talk?” Alec asked.

“Yeah…” he smiled without looking at Alec.

“About that night…I’m sorry Alec I didn’t know…I’m really sorry” Andrew said before Alec could say anything. 

“That’s fine Andrew…I’m fine…and Magnus is also fine…I just didn’t want people to know that I was dating the CEO’s son…” Alec sighed. “That’s why I told you we were just friends…” 

“I understand…I totally get it” Andrew said. 

Alec smiled. “Okay…let’s get back to work and also now that you know I have a favor to ask from you.”


It was now almost the end of April.
Magnus felt that Alec was hiding something from him but he couldn’t pin point at what it was.

He saw that Alec was discussing something with Underhill from the morning and it was almost time to go home but Alec was still busy with Underhill. So Magnus wanted to go and check what they were doing. 

“Hey Alexander, aren’t you going home?” Magnus asked walking towards Alec’s desk.

Alec was startled to see Magnus. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a meeting?” Alec asked.

“I was…but it finished earlier so I came straight away to see you…is there a problem?” Magnus asked from Alec.

“Uhm…no…Mags nothing” Alec said signaling Andrew to hide something.

Magnus peeped to see over the desk but couldn’t see anything suspicious.

“What are you guys doing?” Magnus asked annoyed. 

“we have this thing…uh…” Andrew was trying to explain. 

“You two have a thing? Seriously?” Magnus raised his voice pointing at Alec and Underhill simultaneously and started to walk away.

“No wait…what? Wait…” Alec rolled his eyes and looked at Andrew “a thing seriously, you couldn’t find another word” and ran behind Magnus.

Andrew shrugged and followed.

“Magnus let me explain…” Alec said grabbing Magnus’s hand.

“Explain what Alexander? About your thing?” Magnus asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s actually about…uh…about…” Alec tried to speak but Magnus dashed into the hall way and Alec and Andrew were following him panicked not knowing if everything was ready.

Magnus opened his room door with a slam.

“Surprise!!!” everyone screamed.

Magnus stood frozen, and a bit embarrassed. Alec was able to catchup with Magnus. Alec put his hand on Magnus’s shoulder and whispered “So baby, you like the thing?” 

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