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In a few minutes Luke and a team from the NYPD arrived.

"What happened here?" Luke asked.

"It looks like Alec was attacked" Simon said "Magnus, this is Luke, Clary's dad, my superior at work"

Magnus looked at Luke with tears in his eyes "There's blood...will my Alexander be okay?" Magnus asked.

Luke inspected the blood. "It looks like he was wounded...but there's not much blood I assume it was a small cut...but we can't be sure..."

"My Alexander" Magnus started to cry again "I need to go find him...I have to find him" he stood up and tried to leave but Simon grabbed his arm.

"Magnus, you need to calm down first" Simon said.

"Magnus, tell me...can you think of anyone who had a grudge on Alec?" Luke asked.

"My father...he wanted to kill him, I need to go meet him" Magnus said angrily clutching his fists and hitting the glass table really hard. The glass shattered into pieces. Blood was dripping from his hand but he didn't care and walked to the door.

"Magnus!" Izzy shouted "Magnus you are bleeding; show me your hand, you need to clean the wounds first" Izzy said grabbing his arm.

"Izzy I don't care about me okay" he said taking his arm aggressively making Izzy fall down.

"Oh my God Izz I didn't mean to" Magnus quickly helped Izzy up "I'm sorry...I'm just...I just can't stop thinking about what might happen to Alexander"

"I understand Magnus" Izzy said standing up "It's okay" she said holding Magnus's hand "You need to calm down and think straight first okay? Let me treat your wounds first" Izzy said.

Magnus nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"Magnus, the NYPD is also here, and Luke and Simon will do everything they can to find Alec okay..." Izzy said while treating Magnus's wound.

"I need to go and see my father...I never knew he would do something like this to the person I love" Magnus said with tears in his eyes.

"Magnus, I'll come with you, let's go meet your father" Izzy said. "And Magnus for the moment let's not tell anyone about this okay"

"Magnus, I'll come with you, let's go meet your father" Izzy said. "And Magnus for the moment let's not tell anyone about this okay"

Magnus nodded. Izzy put on some plasters and ban aids on Magnus hand.

They went to Magnus's father's mansion. Magnus didn't care to knock he barged into his father's study.

"My boy, what a pleasant surprise! You haven't come home in 2 years. Anyway I was waiting to talk to you." Asmodeus said and walked towards Magnus.

"Magnus what happened to your hand?" he asked when he noticed the bloody band aids.

"Why would you care? Can you even call yourself a father? How can you do this to the man your son loves with all his heart? How could you do this dad?" Magnus shouted at the top of his lungs.

"What? What are you talking about?" Asmodeus asked

"Tell me where Alec is...tell me or I'll kill everyone in this house including you" Magnus shouted.

"What? Didn't he go home? He came to see me in the afternoon, I haven't seen him after" he said.

"What? He came to see you?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, we talked for some time and the boy left" Asmodeus replied.

"Then where is he dad? Tell me!" Magnus said.

"I have no idea about what you are saying!" he said.

"Alec was kidnapped, there was blood everywhere in the house, he was gone when I came home" Magnus said crying.

"What do you mean?" Asmodeus asked.

"Don't act like you don't know dad...from today onwards...I'm not your are not my father...I will go find my Alexander on my own...if something happens to him remember that it will be your end" Magnus threatened Asmodeus and left the house.

Asmodeus was speechless.

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