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"Alec...Alec you have to calm down okay" Hayley said walking towards him. She knew that Alec was feeling nervous and anxious.

"Yeah buddy calm down, it must be a misunderstanding" Andrew said when he reached Alec.

"Alec, I know Magnus, he loves you more than anything in this world..." Hayley said "There must be something more to this".

And there was a long silent.

"Alec" Hayley said like she remembered something "weren't you supposed to meet with the material dealers today? What were you doing in the office?" Hayley asked.

"Mags sent me a message, and it looked urgent but I felt different" Alec said.

"What do you mean different?" Hayley asked

"Mags never calls me Alec, but the message said Alec" he said.

That's when he realized that it must not have been Magnus who sent him the message.

"The message, it was not sent by him" Alec said standing up "This must have been set up by someone..."

"I feel the same way" Hayley said after thinking for a few seconds.

"Let's talk to Magnus as soon as he wakes up." Hayley said "it's cold, let's go inside and wait okay?"

Alec nodded and went inside with Andrew and Hayley.

After few minutes the doctor approached them.

"Doctor, how is Magnus?" Alec quickly asked as soon as he came near.

"He's finally awake...he was shocked for some reason and that has caused him to collapse, I found some scratch marks on his neck as well, I have treated them too, he needs to rest a little, I gave him some sedatives, he'll wake up in an hour or half" the doctor said.

"Thank you doctor" Alec said and he nodded and walked away.

"Hayley, Andrew thank you for staying with's getting late so y'all should head home" Alec said.

"Will you be okay?" Andrew asked.

Alec nodded reassuring them that he was okay now.

"Tell us if you get to know something" Hayley said and Alec nodded.

Then the two of them walked out of the hospital.

Alec entered into Magnus's room and sat next his bed and stared at Magnus with tears in his eyes.

He held Magnus's hand and after few minutes he fell asleep next to him while holding Magnus's hand.

After may be an hour and half Alec felt that Magnus's body was moving, he quickly woke up and looked at Magnus.

"Mags? Are you awake?" he asked touching Magnus's cheek.

Magnus slowly opened his eyes, "what happened?" he asked in a weak voice.

"You fainted and we brought you to a hospital" Alec said.

"Alexander I can explain about what happened" Magnus said trying to sit up.

"'s fine...we'll talk about that later okay? Now let me first call the doctor" Alec said and rang the bell next to Magnus's bed.

The doctor and a nurse came in after few minutes and checked all the vitals of Magnus.

"Now he's okay...but you better rest for the day...don't tire yourself today" the doctor said "you'll be discharged in an hour" he said and left.

Alec smiled "Thank you doctor".

When the doctor left, he helped Magnus to sit up.

They just stared at each other for a minute without saying a single word. Alec touched Magnus's cheek and gave a gentle kiss on Magnus's lips.

"Are you not mad at me?" Magnus asked in a low voice.

"Mags, why would I be mad at you? I'm not saying I'm not mad, I am seriously furious but not at you" Alec said softly touching Magnus's hand. "you should have punched that woman in the face."

"So you trust me right? I don't even know that woman, she suddenly came at me..." Magnus said worried. "Alexander how can I punch a woman?"

"Look what she did to you" Alec said touching Magnus's neck. "Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine Alexander" Magnus smiled. "I don't even know how she got into my office"

"Let's find out..." Alec said.

"It was not me Alexander trust me okay?" Magnus said again. "And what were you doing in my office?"

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