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As soon as Magnus came in he saw the crowd of people. Some he knew some he didn’t. He noticed that Alec was packing some bottle in the cardboard box. 

“Hi Magnus, you’ve come early” Jace said.

At the sound of the name Alec froze and stopped what he was doing and plainly stood up but he didn’t turn.

“Hi Jace…I thought I’d come and lend you a helping hand” Magnus smiled.

“Did I hear a familiar voice?” Raph called from the kitchen peeping outside. “Oh my God Mags!!! What are you doing here?” Raph came and hugged Magnus.

Even during the hug Magnus was looking at the motionlessly standing Alec. 

“Hi Raph! Surprised? I’ll be staying here for a while…I’m renting Jace’s room.” Magnus said.

“Wow! It’s a small world…I didn’t know you knew Jace!” Raph said.

“Actually its Alec that I know…we worked together at my previous office…” Magnus said thinking that Raph knew.

Alec heard the whole conversation but he couldn’t turn and face Magnus.

“Alec!! Seriously? You didn’t even tell me that y’all worked together!” Raph suddenly said. Alec was panicking. 

Oh shit! I’m completely done for…Alec thought and turned smiling. “Ahh Raph I didn’t have the time to tell you…” Alec said and nervously looked at Magnus hoping he doesn’t remember the lie he said at the dinner. 

But Magnus never forgets… he was looking at Alec smiling with a raised eyebrow as if telling him that he had to give an explanation for his life.

Alec broke of the stare and said “Guys let me introduce Magnus Bane…he’ll be renting Jace’s room.”

“Hi guys it’s really nice to meet you!”
“Okay let me introduce myself…I’m Isabelle you can call me Izzy…I’m Alec’s cute little sister” She walked to Magnus and held out her hand. They shook hands and smiled. 

“Hi! I’m Simon Izzy’s boyfriend” Simon waved from behind the boxes
Magnus waved back and smiled. Magnus looked at Alec and he looked really nervous.

After the introductions, they decided to order pizza till Cat arrived.

Magnus taking the opportunity when everyone was busy walked towards Alec.

“Hey Alexander… you were not there when I came here the other day” Magnus said.

“Yeah I was at Izzy’s place” Alec said.
“I’m really happy that i got to stay here” Magnus said and looked at Alec in the eyes. 

Alec quickly looked away.

“And Alexander…” Magnus said coming closer “I think you owe me an explanation” it was more like whisper…Magnus’s mouth was only centimeters away from Alec’s ear.   

Alec felt a current going through his body and quickly backed off. 
“What explanation Magnus?” he asked trying to play dumb.
Magnus smiled and looked at him, “hmm…about why you lied to me about talking to Raphael about me…” he said “I need to know the reason Alexander…” Magnus said and walked to help the others.

Alec didn’t know what to say. What should I do? He thought. He had no idea…

He looked at Magnus who was helping Clary to tape the boxes and he smiled seeing how active and happy Magnus was. He missed this smile for a long time. 

“Alec can you check the door” Jace shouted.

Alec was lost in thought that he couldn’t even hear the doorbell ring. It was Cat with a huge box of cupcakes.

“Hey mama to be” Clary ran to her and hugged her.

“Hey Cat Congratulations, I couldn’t wish you in person” Magnus said and gave her a hug.

“Thank you Magnus…but what are you doing here?”

Jace put his arm around Magnus’s shoulder and said “he’s gonna be the new house mate of Alec” and he winked.

Cat smiled “good to see you Magnus!” she said and joined the others.
It was almost 3.00 pm and it was time for Jace and Clary to leave. 

Everyone hugged Jace and Clary. When Magnus hugged Jace he said “make sure you take good care of my brother” and smiled.

“With all my pleasure” Magnus said. 
Everyone bid goodbye to the Clace couple and went home leaving Alec and Magnus alone at home.

“Magnus…” Alec said taking a deep breathe.

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