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As soon as Alec left the kitchen, Magnus just put a hand on his heart and thought, what in world just happened? Does Alexander like me? Wow…wait was I just dreaming.

Right then Izzy walked in “Hey Magnus… Magnus are you okay? You’ve turned completely red…are you running a fever?” Izzy came close trying to keep her hand on his forehead.

“No…no Izzy…I’m fine…the food was just a little spicy…”he lied “I’ll quickly take a shower and meet you in a minute” saying that Magnus ran to his room and closed the door.

“Alec? You’ve turned red too… is it this noodles?” Izzy asked point at the ramen.

“Ah yeah…yeah…” Alec said avoiding her eyes.

“Aleeeecc? Tell me big brother…” She came closer and tried to look him in the eyes “what are you hiding?” Izzy asked  
Alec was not good at lying specially in front of Izzy “Nothing Izz…as Magnus said the food was spicy” he said still looking away.

Izzy knew that something was up and she didn’t want to dig in…so she just let it go “if you say so…I believe you” Izzy winked.

“Why are you here this late at night?” Alec asked.

“I just wanted to wish you…tomorrow is you first day at Uni…” Izzy said and jumped to hug Alec “I hope you do well and most of all please find a boyfriend…please…or I’m going to set you up with someone this time for sure…”she said.

“Thank you Izz…you seriously don’t have to worry about my love life okay…I can take care of it…” Alec said.

“Isn’t Magnus coming? I’ll stay till he comes…”Izzy said and turned to sit on the sofa.

“No Izz you should go…it’s getting late…” Alec said pushing Izzy towards the door.

“But…but…”she tried to stop him from pushing her.

“No buts…I need to get ready for tomorrow I have work” Alec said
“Okay fine…I’ll go” Izzy said “BYE MAGNUS” she shouted on her way out of the door.

Alec waved her good bye and locked the door. He quickly ran to his room before Magnus came out. He couldn’t face Magnus.

Alec jumped on his bed and covered his face with a pillow. Oh no…why are you such an idiot Alexander Gideon Lightwood. Why couldn’t you control yourself? Out of all things…why the hell did you kiss him…Why…why did you do it? Alec was rolling on his bed covering his face with the pillow. He suddenly sat up “Should I apologize to Magnus? No he will think that it was a silly mistake… should I just act normal tomorrow?” he was talking to himself.
Right then there was a knock on his door.

Alec quickly got out of bed and opened the door. He didn’t realize that he was half naked.

It was Magnus. Magnus’s eyes widened as soon as he saw Alec… Alec quickly ran back inside and put on a t-shirt.
“I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable…”Alec said as he put on his t-shirt.

“Not at all…” Magnus said smiling.

“Alexander…uhmm…about what happened in the kitchen…” he trailed off.

“That was… that was Magnus…I…uh…”Alec stuttered he knew he had to explain. He knew that he liked Magnus…spending his time with Magnus after he moved in made him realize that he really liked Magnus. “Magnus…I…I don’t know what got into me…I…I…uh…Magnus I think I’m starting to have feelings for you” Alec said without looking at Magnus.

Magnus was shocked and speechless. It was what he always wanted…he felt like jumping onto Alec and hugging him but he had to stay calm…
“Magnus…I know this is really sudden for you…but… but Magnus I…I think I had feelings for you all along but I hardly noticed it because I never gave into relationships…I never wanted a relationship but something about you changed me…I don’t know what it is…”

Alec was speaking without a break,
“I think it all started when you started working at the office…Magnus I don’t know when it started…Magnus I…” Magnus suddenly put his finger on Alec’s mouth and said “Alexander I don’t care when you started to like me….” Magnus said and touched Alec’s cheek. Alec closed his eyes at the touch “what matters is that you like me now…” Magnus said and placed a kiss on Alec’s cheek. “It’s pretty late Alexander we’ll talk tomorrow…” Magnus said and went back to his room.

Alec just froze and stood at the door of his room. What did I just say? He thought… Does he like me too? He didn’t say anything…why didn’t he say if he likes me or not? What if he doesn’t like me…What if that blonde girl is really his girlfriend? What if he tells me that he wants to be just friends? Alec’s mind was filled with questions and doubts. Thinking about what might happen the next day he fell asleep.

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