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This chapter is dedicated to Josh and Aiden I hope you guys don't mind...Jaiden couple was one of my favorites in the Originals series and they didn't have a happy ending, so I wanted to let them find happiness.

The next day was a big day for their two friends Josh and Aiden. Magnus, Alec and Josh were planning the most romantic proposal for almost 2 weeks.

They perfectly planned everything; the drinks, the food, the music and they already sent invites for their closest friends.
Josh was wearing a navy blue classic suit and had his hair combed in a new style. Of course it was Magnus's idea to dress him up.

The venue was decorated with beautiful flowers and balloons and there was a big handmade box in the middle of the hall. The box was Alec's idea.

It was almost time for Aiden to arrive. He was supposed to enter at 6.30pm and Magnus was supposed to tell him a lie and bring him in.

Alec, Josh and the others were ready with everything and they switched off the lights.

At sharp 6.30, Alec heard Magnus's voice. "Aiden You go inside I have to make a call".

The door opened and Aiden walked inside. There was only a dim light so he could walk without falling.

"Hello?" he called, he turned towards the door calling for Magnus "Magnus there's no one..." he couldn't finish the sentence, right then a video played on the screen.

It was a video of him and Josh. All their sweet moments together. And it was his favourite song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran.

He was looking at the screen with tears. At the end of the video he heard Josh's voice.

"Hey baby! I hope you liked the video. Now walk a few steps forward and open the box" Josh's voice said.

A spotlight switched on and he saw the big box. He walked to the box, untied the ribbons and opened it. It was filled with helium balloons which floated up with photos of Josh and Aiden hanging on them. And at the end there was a note.

Aiden read the note. "Baby, until I met you I didn't know what true love showed me how to love someone unconditionally. I never thought the guy I talked to at the cafeteria will end up to be the love of my life. Aiden, I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

In a few seconds Josh walked into the lighted up spot and kneeled on one knee in front of Aiden.

Aiden's eyes were filled with tears. "Oh my God" he gasped.

"Aiden L. will you marry me and be with me forever?" Josh asked opening the ring box.

"Yes! Yes! I'll always be with you" Aiden said and hugged Josh.

Josh took out the ring and put it on Josh's finger.

The hall lighted up and everyone started to scream in happiness congratulating them.

"I love you so much" Aiden said pulling Josh closer and kissing him deeply.

"I love you too" Josh said kissing Aiden's forehead.

Alec and Magnus were watching them from a corner holding hands.

"I'm so happy for them" Alec said.

"Me too" Magnus replied.

When the party started everyone came and congratulated the newly engaged couple.

"Hey lovebirds congratulations!" Magnus said.

"We are so happy for you guys" Alec said.

"Thank you so much for helping me set this up...couldn't have done it without you" Josh said.

"No problem guys...what are friends for..." Alec said.

"Josh, Aiden we should probably get going now" Magnus said.

"Okay guys see you two at Uni" Aiden said and waved them good bye.

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