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After some time, he heard the door open.

The three men came inside with a huge black cloth.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked.

They didn't answer. One man held back Alec hands aggressively and tied them with a rope and then a black tape was pasted on Alec's mouth.

The tall bulky man took the black cloth, it was more like a bag and put it over Alec's head and tied a rope around it.

Alec couldn't move nor talk now. The man lifted Alec and threw him in the back of a van.

Alec felt his bones on the leg cracking and he groaned in pain.

They moved Alec to a secluded house. Once he was brought inside the room the man removed the black bag and untied him.

Alec was in so much pain, he could feel that his leg was broken.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME???" he screamed when his tape was off, tears were running down his cheeks.

"Orders" the man said and locked the door.

Alec was holding his leg and rolling from side to side in pain.

Suddenly the door banged open and Alec looked up.

"Tyler?" Alec said sitting up with the support of his hand.

Tyler crouched near Alec and looked at him for a second. He smirked and suddenly punched Alec in the face throwing him on the ground.

"How do you like it when you are punched huh?" Tyler asked. "Painful right?"

Alec just stared at him touching his face in pain.

Tyler stood up and walked a circle around Alec. "Oh no did you hurt your leg?" he asked bending over. "Poor Alec, let me help you?" he said trying to reach his leg but suddenly he stood up again and kicked Alec on the broken leg.

Alec screamed in pain "F*ck you!!" Alec shouted.

"You feel the pain now? Your boyfriend did this to me!" he said showing the blue colored wound near his mouth.

Alec stared at him angrily.

"You are doing this to me because Magnus punched you that day?" Alec asked trying to sit up.

Tyler kept his foot on Alec's chest and pushed him down with a thud without letting him to sit up.

"Oh no no no...don't get me wrong, it's not because he punched me" he laughed hysterically. "I've been waiting to get revenge for all these years...but I never got the chance...but then you appeared in his life..." he said walking away from Alec and sitting on a chair near the door. He relaxed on the chair stretching his legs.

"You were the best way to hurt him...I thought Asmodeus would do that for me..." he said looking at Alec "but YOU GOT ON HIS GOOD SIDE" he shouted. "He anyways never wanted to hurt you...he only wanted to scare you..."

"So..." he continued "I had to do something..."

"What did we do to you? Why are you trying to hurt Magnus?" Alec asked angrily.

"Oh no, you never did anything to are such a sweet boy...but MAGNUS" he said raising his voice. "he ruined my whole life"

"Do you know what he did to me? He stole my sister away from me...when he came back he took everything what was mine...he ruined my reputation" he said angrily.

"Do you know how he ruined me?" he asked looking at Alec.

Alec didn't show a single expression, he just stared at Tyler.

"I will never forgive him...And Asmodeus, the man who shows that he doesn't care for his son has written all his properties to him...leaving me nothing, NOTHING but just the law firm" he shouted. "How can Magnus have everything? If he just died, then everything will be mine"

"Do you know why you are here?" he asked. "Magnus will come to find you...I've already sent him a text...and when he arrives, do you know what I will do to him? He will die right in front of your eyes" Tyler said laughing.

" can't do please Tyler don't hurt him anything to me... please don't hurt him please" Alec shouted but Tyler stood up and left the room.

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