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 “Alexander, please let me explain everything when we get home” Magnus said with pleading eyes.

When he saw those almost teary eyes he couldn’t say no to Magnus. So Alec nodded and went back to his seat.

Meliorn noticed the tension between the two and he knew well what Alec was feeling. 

“Alec…can we talk?” Meliorn asked.

“Yeah…” Alec said.

“I know that you are feeling anger…I know you are anxious…but let him explain just once…see what he has to say okay?” Meliorn said.

Alec took a deep breath, and said “Okay” 

Alec went through a series of anxiety issues and anger control issues when his father left him. Meliorn knew Alec for a long time and he knew the how anxiety hits Alec really hard. He has seen Alec at his worst and he didn’t want Alec to go through the same thing again. 

Meliorn calmed Alec down and sent him home.


Alec came home earlier than Magnus, so he waited for Magnus in the study area. 

“Alexander, I’m home” Magnus said when he finally arrived. 

Magnus didn’t see Alec in the kitchen nor the living room, so he walked to the study area and saw Alec keeping his head on the desk. He walked towards him and kept his hand on Alec’s shoulder. “Alexander, can we talk?” he asked.

Alec stood up and walked into Magnus’s room without a word. He sat on the bed and signaled Magnus to sit next to him. 

Alec was now calmer than before. 

When Magnus sat next to him, he took Magnus’s hand and said “Mags, I’m not angry at you…” He stroke Magnus's hand with his thumb. “I’m just shocked and sad…I'm confused.All this time you lied to me?"

Magnus put his hand on Alec’s hand. “Alexander, I’m really sorry…I know I should have told you before, I always wanted to tell you who I was, and I didn’t want you to find it out this way…My father has too much authority over me…I’m not in control of my own life…Please Alexander…Please forgive me.” Magnus said tears rolling down his cheek.

Alec looked at Magnus for some time, he saw the pain in Magnus’s eyes. “I forgive you Mags…” he finally said. “It’s just a little hard for me to digest the thought that you are a son of a millionaire and most of all my boss” Alec said.

“I’m sorry Alexander…please don’t think any different…I’m the same Magnus you always knew. My love for you has not changed at all…I don’t care if I’m your boss or if my father is a millionaire…I only care about being with you…” Magnus said.

Alec was still feeling a bit anxious. But he tried to let go of that feeling. 

Magnus hugged Alec tightly. “I love you so much Alexander. I will never ever leave you…no matter what happens, I will always be there right next to you…” Magnus said.

Alec was hesitating to hug him back for a second but deep down he knew how much Magnus meant to him, so he finally hugged him back after few seconds.

Magnus felt relieved when Alec hugged him. He pulled back and looked at Alec. He stroke Alec’s cheek with his thumb and gave a soft kiss on his lips. 

“It was a long day for both of us…we should get some rest” Alec said standing up.

“Alexander, will you stay with me tonight…” Magnus said looking at Alec “please…” he said.

Alec deeply exhaled. “I will take a shower and come okay?” he said.

Magnus was so happy to hear those words. Alec went to the door and paused. He turned around and looked at Magnus. “I love you too Magnus Bane, no matter what happens, I will always love you” he said and smiled. Then went upstairs to have a shower. 

Once both of them were ready for bed. They got under the comfy cover, cuddled in each other’s arms.

“Mags…” Alec whispered. “I couldn’t tell you how handsome you looked today…You looked amazing” he said and kissed Magnus on his temple. 

Magnus curled up in Alec’s arms and said “Thank you Alexander” he suddenly felt shy so he hid his face in Alec’s chest and gave soft kisses.

“Let’s go to sleep now, tomorrow is a holiday so we can have some fun.” Alec said and fell asleep cuddling each other.

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